Meeting notes: March 2, 2011
- Nicole to meet with Ellen next week about legal issues
- retire the 3 old Kindles
- get 2 Kindle 3's and 2 color Nooks
- 1 week loan period
- loan them out of Hayden only, for now
- put the same content on each device (to simplify things)
- put only public domain content on them
- desk staff won't be responsible for charging or other maintenance
- UX staff will perform periodic maintenance (put on hold for themselves about once a month)
- make list of maintenance tasks: charging, software updates, verifying still connected to right account, verifying right content still there
- attach a list of a few tips/instructions to the back of each device (attached so it won't get lost)
- need to update the Barton records for these: Nicole to talk to Nina/Beth
- use same secure location that previous Kindles were stored in
- Nicole to check with CQ and then email Pam about ending laptop loan program and retiring old laptops
- communicate with staff so everyone knows what's going on with these
- marketing plan, blog story, etc.
- have a completely different program for iPad loans... perhaps staying with only from the Music Library for now, since they have experience and it's easier to manage out of one library
- Stephanie to schedule next meeting in early April for Lisa H., Nicole, Stephanie to move forward with this
Meeting notes: Subgroup met in early November, 2010.
Stephanie, Nicole, Lisa H., Lisa S.
- why do we want to loan?
- learning opportunities for users about devices
- getting feedback from our users about their needs (community testbed)
- they could actually use it for academic work
- students like it (shows we are up on technologies )
- which devices and how many?
- maybe 2 existing Kindle 2s & 1 new Kindle 3 (retire oldest one)
- 1 or 2 ipads
- 1 or 2 Nooks (new color one)
- staff vs public
- still need to discuss sharing among staff
- staff impact and security
- consider loaning out of 1 library only at first (Rotch?). Fewer staff to train. Rotch already has experience with GPS units.
- need some kind of secure storage
- these cost less than laptops we've loaned
- procedures and policy
- need to work out together with someone from IDLA
- alternative ways to get input from users
- idea: do a study where we interview students who use ipads for a few weeks to do specific academic work. Then do in depth interviews.
- do something for IAP about ebooks and reading prefs
See inventory list of our current emerging tech hardware.