Software Requirements

Our website works best on Google Chrome browser. It also seems to works on Safari. We've experienced some problems getting it to work in Firefox. The user needs Javascript enabled.

Quick Start Instructions

Enjoy our website at this link:

Shallow Features in Prototype




The search results are canned. No matter what search parameters you put in (and what you classes you specify as "terrible"), the search page will always produce the same results.

Viewing Classes

We do not currently support viewing results under the new HASS classification (H,A, and S).

Known issues:
If you drag a post-it note while the course information "speech bubble" is still open, the speech bubble is left behind.
Some z-indexing problems: the course being dragged does not always hover over other courses on the page.
The "I am considering...", "I plan on taking..." and "I do not want to take..." boxes do not dynamically resize, so they currently cannot accomodate more than 8 classes each.

Selecting Classes

The "classes I'm considering", "classes I'm taking", and "classes I'm not taking" boxes do not affect any behavior on the page, and their contents do not persist when the user switches to another page.

Known issues: 
Classes that friends are taking (on the Friend's Page) should be draggable just like the classes on the Results page, but this has not yet been implemented.

Adding and Viewing Friends

When you search for a friend on the Friend's Page, the search results ("Mark", "James", etc.) are canned.
When you add a friend, the classes they are taking are randomly picked from a small pool of potential classes.
Known issues:
The autocomplete feature searches for results with the typed input as a substring, rather than a prefix. This is not consistent with the expected behavior for searching over names and will be changed in future iterations.

 Exporting Classes

E-mailing, Printing, and Exporting to Google Calendar on right sidebar do not work.

Other Comments

Note that one aspect of the site design has changed since our previous prototype. Previously, we gave users the ability to sort search results by HASS category, time of day, or department. We now display all of those attributes concurrently using visual variables. Any references to sorting search results in the GR3 User Tasks can therefore be disregarded.