GR3 - Paper Prototyping

Prototype photos

These photos show the first iteration of our paper prototypes. Each photo shows the state of the application after each step in what we thought would be the easiest path through our tasks. Some of our users performed the tasks differently.

The Albums view, as it would appear when the user launches the application. It currently shows the albums most recently uploaded by the user’s friends. The user can scroll down to see older albums.

The Friends view, as it would appear when the user taps the “Friends” tab. It currently shows all of the user’s friends in alphabetical order (the names are out of order in this photo).

The Friends view, after “Adam” was tapped. It is showing all photos of Adam in a popover.




The Photo view, after a photo of Jennifer was tapped. The chosen photo is shown full-screen.

The Search view, as the user is typing in “Jennifer.” The user had to close the photo view (by pressing "Back") before the search field was visible. We wrote the user’s entry as the user typed, and autocompleted names with a popover.

The Search view, after the user has entered a search to find all photos of Jennifer and Brian together. The results are shown with matching photos sorted by album, with one album per line.





The Photo view, after a photo of Jennifer and Brian was chosen and tapped directly from the Search View. The user also tapped the "Share" button to reveal several sharing options in a popover.

The Email view, after the user selects “Email” in the Share popover. The photo is automatically inserted. The user test ended once the user got here.



PhotoBook is an iPad app that allows you to browse or search your friend’s Facebook photos.

You have just downloaded the app on your iPad, and have logged into PhotoBook by entering you Facebook information. PhotoBook has downloaded all of your friend’s photos on the iPad and you are now ready to browse through them.

Scenario Tasks

We gave our users tasks similar to those given in our scenario from GR2.

First Iteration:

  1. Browse photos by friends.
  2. Open an interesting photo of Jennifer.
  3. Search for photos of Brian and Jennifer together.
  4. Open a photo of Brian and Jennifer.
  5. Email that photo to a friend.

Second Iteration:

We made a few revisions to the tasks for the second iteration. First, we decided to be less suggestive for how the user should accomplish the tasks by eliminating task 1. Second, we added another searching task to test the search interface more completely. This helped us get more interesting results, as the users took different paths through the tasks and faced new usability issues.

  1. Open an interesting photo of Jennifer.
  2. Search for photos of Brian.
  3. Search for photos of Brian and Jennifer together.
  4. Open a photo of Brian and Jennifer.
  5. Email that photo to a friend.


Prototype iteration

One the second iteration, a few minor changes were made. We noticed that users expected the “Tagged” area on the photo-viewer to be interactive. We changed the prototype to have a token field containing the names, so that each person’s name was clickable. When a name was tapped a popover containing the option to “Search for photos of \[name\]” appeared, which brings the user directly into the search interface.

Some users didn’t notice the different search categories (above the keyboard), and some users didn’t know how to use them. In the second iteration, we removed the search categories completely. Any text that was typed into the search box would search by all terms.

As discussed above, we also changed the tasks to be performed in the second iteration.

We did not address the issue where the user had to press “Back” in Photo view to find the search field. We considered adding a search field to Photo view, but felt that this raised several more serious issues:

We expect that this will be less of an issue in higher-fidelity prototypes, since the search field will be more prominent, and it will be clearer that the Photo view appears on top of the exiting controls (perhaps by utilizing an animation that shows the photo view expanding from the photo thumbnail). Thus, we expect that users will be familiar with the location of the search field, and know they have to exit Photo view to reach it.