h2. Spring 2011 *See also:* *[Fall 2010 Results|wvc:Tournaments and Results - 2010-2011]* *See:* *[*Tournament Captain Responsibilities*|#captain]** * || Date || Level || We in? \\ || Drop Date \\ || Where || Tourney \\ Captain || Teams || Actions/Results \\ || | {color:#888888}6 Feb{color} \\ | {color:#888888}AA/A{color} \\ | {color:#888888}yes, but{color}\\ {color:#888888}dropped{color} \\ | {color:#888888} {color} | {color:#888888}MIT{color} \\ {color:#888888}(not ours){color} \\ | \\ | \\ | | | 6 Feb \\ | C \\ | yes - 2 \\ teams \\ | \- | MIT \\ (not ours) | Tiffany \\ \\ DarcyD \\ | *Tiffany Jin*, Alyssa Roque, Annie Dunham, Karin Strijbis, Vivian Dien, Kari Hernandez \\ \\ *Darcy Duke*, Lindsey Gilman, Amy Trimble, Kate Wan, Paola Cappallero, Deb Liverman \\ | *Team Tiffany:* 4-4 against Diggers, Sets Addicts, Do It\!, Beach Bodies \\ *Play-in:* beat Sets Addicts \\ \\ *Team Darcy:* 6-2 against Dig This, Shenanigans, High Spirits, Kill Envy \\ * Semis:* beat MIT Tiffany 25-15 \\ * Finals:* lost to Diggers, 29-27, 18-25, 8-15 \\ | | 12 Feb \\ | C\- \\ | yes | \- | [WAV|http://yankee.org/tournaments/directions/index.php?siteAbbr=WAV] | Jen | Nina Mann (S), Rachael Meehan (O), *Jen Seto* (M), Deb Liverman (M), Weijia Zhang (O), Amy Trimble (R), Ellen Wong (L) | 6-2 vs GNO, Sky, Goldie's Diggers, Ball Busters \\ {color:#ff0000}{*}Finals: beat Ball Busters 25-16,*{color} {color:#ff0000}{*}25-21{*}{color} | | {color:#888888}13 Feb{color} \\ | {color:#888888}B{color} \\ | {color:#888888}yes, but{color} \\ {color:#888888}dropped{color}\\ | {color:#888888} {color} | {color:#888888}[WNA |http://www.yankee.org/tournaments/directions/index.php?siteAbbr=WNA]{color}\\ | \\ | | | | 13 Feb \\ | C\+ \\ | yes \\ | \- | [WNA |http://www.yankee.org/tournaments/directions/index.php?siteAbbr=WNA]\\ | Laurie \\ | Tiffany Jin, Darcy Duke, *Laurie Qian*, Dalin Trivella, Sarah Bindman, Annie Dunham \\ | 4-4 against Impact, Spiketown, Hippity Hop, Puma Indigo | | 19 Feb \\ | C \\ | yes \\ | \- | [SDVC|http://www.sdvc.org/directions.php]\\ | Nina | Kate Wan (S), Emily Seitz (O), Alex Manick (M), Jen Seto (M), Amy Trimble (L), *Nina Mann* (R), Alyssa Roque (O) | 4-4 vs Hippity Hop, Do It\!, 2QAYL, ACWCV \\ | | 20 Feb \\ | B \\ | yes \\ | 4 Feb \\ | [NQHS|http://www.yankee.org/tournaments/directions/index.php?siteAbbr=NQHS]\\ | Brittany \\ | *NOTE:* non-MIT team (not using MIT/club money - Lauren sent check) \\ Brittany Sauser, Lauren Frick, Cecily, Darcy Duke, Cathy Melnikow, Kimberly Shenk, Lindsey Gilman \\ | 5-1 vs. Shenanigans, Shanked, Shots (30-pt games) \\ *Semis:* beat NKOTB 25-14, 30-28 \\ {color:#ff0000}{*}Finals: beat Shenanigans 22-25, 25-22, 15-13{*}{color}\\ | | {color:#888888}26 Feb{color} \\ | {color:#888888}B\+{color} \\ | {color:#888888}yes, but{color} \\ {color:#888888}dropped{color} \\ | {color:#888888} {color} | {color:#888888}[WNA|http://www.yankee.org/tournaments/directions/index.php?siteAbbr=WNA]{color} | \\ | \\ | | | 27 Feb \\ | C\+ \\ | yes \\ | 11 Feb \\ | [EMNC|http://yankee.org/tournaments/directions/index.php?siteAbbr=EMNC] | Karin | Tiffany Jin, Lindsey Gilman, Dalin Travella, Laurie Qian, *Karin Strijbis*, Andrea Guttierez, Vivian Dien | 5-3 against SMASH 17s, Black Ice, Vicious and Delicious, Hippity Hop, Impact\\ *Play-in:* lost to Hippity Hop\\ | | 6 Mar \\ | B\- \\ | yes - 2 \\ teams \\ | \- | MIT \\ (ours) \\ | Lindsey \\ \\ \\ Annie | Brittany Sauser, Darcy Duke, Cathy Melnikow, Marti Borkent, Lauren Frick, Maja Rudolph, *Lindsey Gilman* \\ \\ Andrea Guttierez, *Annie Dunham*, Janet Choi, Karin Strijbis, Dalin Trivella, Paola Cappellaro, Vivian Dien | | | 6 Mar \\ | C \\ | yes - 2 \\ teams \\ | \- | MIT \\ (ours) \\ | Alyssa \\ \\ \\ Emily | Tiffany Jin, Candi Engler, *Alyssa Roque,* Lauren Nagel, Sarah Mountjoy, Sarah Bindman, Amy Trimble, Pearl Donohoo \\ \\ Courtney Schmitt, Laurie Qian, *Emily Seitz*, Deborah Liverman, Jen Seto, Kristin Vicari, Nina Mann, Darcy Wanger | | | 13 Mar \\ | C\- \\ | yes | 25 Feb \\ | [LSC|http://yankee.org/tournaments/directions/index.php?siteAbbr=LSC] | Lindsay | Anna Haas, *Lindsay Wilhelmus*, Jen Seto, Alex Manick, Deborah Liverman, Ellen Chen \\ {color:#888888}Not taken but may be available:{color} {color:#888888}Kate Wan?{color} | | | {color:#888888}19 Mar{color} \\ | {color:#888888}B\-{color} \\ | {color:#888888}yes, but{color} \\ {color:#888888}dropped{color} | {color:#888888} {color} | {color:#888888}[ESC |http://www.yankee.org/tournaments/directions/index.php?siteAbbr=ESC]{color} | \\ | \\ | | | {color:#888888}20 Mar{color} \\ | {color:#888888}B{color} \\ | {color:#888888}yes, but{color} \\ {color:#888888}dropped{color} | {color:#888888} {color} | {color:#888888}[JWU|http://yankee.org/tournaments/directions/index.php?siteAbbr=JWU]{color} | \\ | {color:#888888}DROPPED{color} | | | 27 Mar \\ | C\- \\ | yes | 11 Mar \\ | [LSC|http://yankee.org/tournaments/directions/index.php?siteAbbr=LSC] | Deborah | Courtney Schmitt, Nina Mann, Jen Seto, *Deborah Liverman*, Kate Wan \\ {color:#888888}Not taken but may be available:{color} {color:#888888}Ellen Wong? Anna Haas?{color} | | | 2 Apr \\ | C \\ | yes \\ | 18 Mar \\ | [ASC|http://www.yankee.org/tournaments/directions/index.php]\\ | Sarah B | Tiffany Jin, Vivian Dien, Alex Manick, Sarah Mountjoy, *Sarah Bindman*, Emily Seitz \\ {color:#888888}Not taken but may be available:{color} {color:#888888}Laurie Qian?{color} | | | {color:#888888}10 Apr{color} \\ | {color:#888888}B\-{color} \\ | {color:#888888}yes, but{color}\\ {color:#888888}dropped{color} | \\ | {color:#888888}[JWU|http://yankee.org/tournaments/directions/index.php?siteAbbr=JWU]{color} | \\ | {color:#888888}DROPPED{color} \\ | | | 16 Apr \\ | AA/A \\ | did not \\ send \\ check \\ | \- \\ | MIT \\ (not ours) | \\ | Annie said not many signed up? Haven't sent a check anyway. | | | 16 Apr \\ | C\- \\ | yes \\ | 25 Mar \\ | [LSHS|http://yankee.org/tournaments/directions/index.php?siteAbbr=LSHS] | Amy | Anna Haas, Lindsay Wilhelmus, Jen Seto, Nina Mann, *Amy Trimble*, Lauren Nagel \\ Jane Choi? \\ | | | 16 Apr \\ | C\+ \\ | yes \\ | 25 Mar \\ | [LSHS|http://yankee.org/tournaments/directions/index.php?siteAbbr=LSHS] | Vivian \\ | Tiffany Jin, Kari Hernandez, Marti Borkent, Laurie Qian, Sarah Bindman, *Vivian Dien* \\ {color:#888888}Not taken but may be available:{color} {color:#888888}Darcy Duke?{color} \\ | | | 23 Apr \\ | A/B \\ Triples\! \\ | | \- | MIT \\ (ours) \\ | | | | | {color:#888888}24 Apr{color} \\ | {color:#888888}B\-{color} \\ | {color:#888888}yes, but{color} \\ {color:#888888}dropped{color} \\ | \\ | {color:#888888}[LSC|http://yankee.org/tournaments/directions/index.php?siteAbbr=LSC]{color} | \\ | {color:#888888}conflicts with triples{color} \\ | | | 30 Apr \\ | B\- \\ | yes \\ | 8 Apr \\ | [LSHS|http://yankee.org/tournaments/directions/index.php?siteAbbr=LSHS] | CathyM | *Cathy Melnikow*, Lauren Frick, Marti Borkent, Darcy Duke, Laurie Qian \\ {color:#888888}Not taken but may be available:{color} {color:#888888}Maja Rudolph? Lindsey Gilman? Kari Hernandez? Andrea?{color}\\ {color:#888888}NO Brittany{color}\\ | | {anchor:captain}{*}Tournament Captain Responsibilities* The Tournament Captain (TC) will do the following, or assign these responsibilities to others on the team: * take care of action items for that tournament * confirm with or recruit needed players before the cancellation deadline - earlier if possible (if we do not cancel by the drop date we lose our money - tell Darcy if you need to cancel) * get membership checks for any new Yankee players from Sarah (this takes 1-2 weeks) * submit the roster on the week of the tournament [here|http://www.newportvolleyballclub.com/tournaments/yankee_tourney.php?display_location=ALL] (click on the date of the tournament; click on "Modify" to submit the roster; if needed, update the captain's info at the bottom of the form) * arrange car-pooling (note: directions to the tournament can be found [here|http://yankee.org/tournaments/directions/index.php]) * get phone #s of all players in case of cancellations, delays (or if someone doesn't get out of bed\!) * bring 3-4 balls to tournament and returning them before the next practice * bring uniforms to tournament (note: gym does not open until 9am on Sundays so get them before that morning\!\!\!) * wash uniforms after tournament and return uniforms to locker - please have just one person take care of this, otherwise uniforms tend to disappear\! * collect $5 from MIT students and $10 from all others; collect $20 dues if a player hasn't paid yet - give $ to Sarah (remind players ahead of time to bring $, since u-grads often seem to come with none\!) * after the tournament, update this page with your team's record and who you played {anchor:rental} *Instructions for Renting a Car (or 7-passenger minivan)* Club sports travel is considered official MIT business. Therefore, we can take advantage of MIT rental agreements and discounts with Avis and Budget. Drivers must be at least 18 years old (no surcharge for drivers between 18 and 24 on the MIT account). Do not purchase the optional Loss Damage Waiver, since MIT already has collision insurance covered in their rental agreement (detailed [here|https://mv-ezproxy-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/site/insurance/policies_procedures/automobile/automobile_rentals]). If you need the car before these locations open in the morning, you can either get the car the day before or call the location to ask about renting after hours. Alternatively, you can ask the tournament director for a late start, or check if anyone on the team is a zipcar member and can rent a zipcar (which can be reserved starting at any time of day, but they cost \~$85 and transport up to 5 people). Save the itemized receipt and give to the Treasurer (Sarah) for reimbursement. Note that the club generally does not reimburse for gas and tolls, so you may want to ask the team to chip in for those items. You will have to refill the gas tank of the rental car before returning it. Keep in mind that if you use the electronic toll pass provided in the rental car, you might be charged a convenience fee ($2.50 for Avis, free for zipcar), so add this in when you calculate how much you ask your teammates to chip in. *AVIS* Avis is located in the Charles Hotel in Harvard Square Address: 1 Bennett St, Cambridge, MA, 02138 Tel: [617-534-1430|http://library.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/F?func=find-b&sourceid=libxmit&local_base=mit01pub&find_code=ISSN&request=6175341430] Weekend hours: 8AM - 6PM To check car availability, check rates, or make a reservation, go to [www.avis.com|http://www.avis.com/] Enter \*Location Code BO3\* and *Avis Worldwide Discount (AWD) Number or Rate Code A491400*. Do not purchase the optional Loss Damage Waiver\! The other insurance options are up to you, but may not be reimbursable. *BUDGET* Budget is next to Shaw's between MIT and Central Square (on the first floor, to the right of Shaw's up escalator). Address: 20 Sidney St, Cambridge, MA, 02139 Tel: 617-577-7606 Saturday hours: 8AM - 4PM Sunday hours: 9AM - 4PM To check car availability, check rates, or make a reservation, go to [www.budget.com|http://www.budget.com/] Enter \*Location Code B07\* and click on "more options" so you can enter *Offer* *Code* *T240202*. Do not purchase the optional Loss Damage Waiver\! The other insurance options are up to you, but may not be reimbursable.<\!-\- /\* Style Definitions \*/ table.MsoNormalTable{mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;}\-->22-25; 25-22; 15-13 |