Page 1:

This is the homepage that greets users coming on to the site. The page will have 2 options: for old users to log in with username and password, or for new visitors to sign up by entering a username, email, and password (with a password confirmation). The button at the right of the confirmation password textbox will be labeled "register." If the username is already in use, the page will prompt the visitor to try a different username. After an account has been created, the visitor will have to log in using the normal log in.

Page 2:

The homepage will enter into "page 2" after visitor successfully logs in. The user now has two options. Clicking the "language go" (name subject to change) button will lead the user to "page 4." The user can also click the "textbook go" (name subject to change) button to enter "page 3." The "language go" button is only available for clicking after the user enters the language in the language drop-down list. The "textbook go" button is only available after the user selects the language, textbook name, and chapter. Note, this will be almost identical in format to the MIT coop textbook selection.

Page 3:

The user will arrive upon this page after filling in the appropriate selections and clicking the "textbook go" button. This page will contain a series of boxes, each containing a single practice sentence provided by the textbook publisher as supplementary material for that chapter. Each sentence box will contain a button labeled "?" at the bottom left corner. Clicking on this button will cause a page to pop up. The page will contain three headings: tags, romanized, and english translation. Below the tags heading will be a series of hyperlinked tags pertaining to each work in the sentence. Below the romanized heading will be a phonetic description of the sentence (allowing the user to pronounce the sentence). Finally, below the english translation heading will be the english translation of the sentence. Clicking any of the hyperlinked tags under the Tags heading will take the user to "page 5." The "cancel" button closes the pop-up page and returns the user to the original "page 3" containing the list of supplementary sentences.

Page 4:

The user can arrive upon this page after clicking the "language go" button instead of the "textbook go" button. This page serves two function. The first function is to allow the user to find example sentences after entering certain tags in the textbox with the heading "Tag Search" and hitting the "Go" button. This will take the user to "page 5." The second function of this page is to allow experienced foreign language speakers to add sentences to the database. The user must type in a sentence in the preselected foreign language, enter a list of words to tag the sentence in the textbox labeled "Tags," and finally enter the same sentence in English in the textbox labeled "English Translation." The user can then hit the "Add" button to add the sentence. The "Add" button only becomes available after all three textboxes are completed. Hitting "Add" will clear the textboxes (information scent for user to know the system has added the sentence) and add the sentence/sentence info to the database. 

Page 5:

This page can be arrived on by the user in two ways. The first way is when the user clicks on a hyperlinked tag. The second way is by the user entering tags in the tag search box on "page 4." There are several notable components to this page. First, the Tag: label will contain the tag(s) that were used to take the user to the current page. Next, definitions (translations) will be provided for the Tag in the "Def" field. Below will be a scrollable list of example sentences associated with the tag. Each sentence will have an "edit" (subject to name change) button at the end. Clicking the "edit" button will bring up a pop-up page with three notable components and two buttons. The first component is the Tag List, which has an editable text box containing all the tags associated with the sentence. The user can add and delete tags in the textbox and click the "update" button to confirm those changes. The second component is labeled by the heading "English Translation" and is a translation of the sentence. Finally, the third component is the Tags (hyperlink) component allowing the user to go to more "page 5"-type pages. Clicking the "update" button will also update the hyperlinks available in the Tags field (the third component of the pop-up page). Clicking the cancel button will close the pop-up page.