GR1 - Task Analysis

User Analysis

The website will be open to two major types of users, current MIT students and MIT alumni. Note that the suggested personas are derived from 3 student interviews (1 undergraduate, 1 graduate and 1 alumni). The names were altered for privacy purposes. 


Graduate and Undergraduate students will be able to post and read articles.  They will also be able to hold start discussion threads about issues at MIT or have friendly flame wars without bombarding users’ inboxes.  They will also be able to find information about a large number of academic and social events.


Students will range between ages late teens to late twenties.  We expect most of these users to be experienced with computers and social networking sites.  Our users will be  motivated to find  new ways to socialize, find out information about MIT, discuss random topics of interest, etc.



MIT alumni will be able to stay up to date on MIT news and also start discussions with students should they have projects/job opportunities for students.  They can also create discussions to advise current students or catch up with fellow alumni.


We expect alumni users will range in age from early twenties to late forties.  We expect most of these users to be computer literate, some with limited experience with social networking sites.  These users will be motivated to stay connected to MIT.


Tasks Analysis

The goal of this website is to provide a localized way for MIT students and alumni to be able to discuss various topics, post articles, and look for or post events. We have come up with the following necessary tasks. In addition, we want users to be able to recommend articles, discussions, and events. Each user will be able to vote once for a discussion as “good”, “bad”, or abstain. Posts with high recommendation rating will appear on the front page, while those with bad ratings will be put at the end. Finally, we wish users to be able to deal with errors easily. The user may either edit a post he or she has already made, or delete it altogether. While discussion threads cannot be deleted after a certain time period, it will be possible to delete events. This will encourage users to contribute to discussions more freely. In addition, we will allow users to post anonymously if they wish to not be known; however, the actual poster will be known to the website administrators, to prevent questionable content from being posted.

Post Article

Read Article

Comment on Article

Post Discussion

Join Discussion

Post Event

Read Event

Search Articles, Discussions, and Events

Undo/Edit Post

Remove Post

Vote on postings

Domain Analysis