Reading Session #4: Digital Content and Infrastructure Needs of Research Faculty
Led by Jennifer Schaffner, Susan Kroll, Mackenzie Smith
Links: A Slice of Research Life available at
Scholarly Information Practices from the Online Environment available at

MacKenzie's objections to Kroll's Report:

  1. How valid is this research at your individual institution (each university is a snowflake...)
  2. There is tension but still trying to move ahead even though administration is telling you that you can't
  3. Senior Faculty behave differently than rank and file researchers
  4. Mission and marketing - how do we market what we are already doing

Other notes:

Coeus - MIT

Faculty want help with: structuring their notes and datasets, negotiating publication licenses, funding requirements, authority work, customizable personal webpages, and keeping up to date with their iterations.

Review Ithaka's faculty survey - patterns of info use and exchange case studies

"pre-print is a more authentic representation of their work" - Kroll's study found that this is the feeling of faculty

Sustainability and Revenue Models
for Online Academic Resources
An Ithaka Report
May 2008

Reimagining METS An Exploration

U.S. Government Printing Office’s Federal Digital System (FDsys)

Closing the Digital Curation Gap


Twitter summary:

Agile Project Management: