This is the home of the IS&T Service Management Process Improvement space. For more information please visit the IT Service Management home page at: IT Service Management
Objective: to work with project and support staff in IS&T to develop standard work processes to improve consistency of product and service delivery and the the overall customer experience.
These notes were compiled from in person interviews with Associate Directors, project managers, quality assurance managers and business analysts from across the organization, as well as former Cross Directorate Project Planning group members and the PM Focus Group that was convened in the spring. Feedback collected from the Business Analysis training in May 2010 was also incorporated.
Priorities and Goals:
Phase I: Release Checklist and Urgent Response Procedure
Phase II: Release Core Team, Retirement Process and IS&T Service Portfolio Prototype
Phase III: Service Portfolio Implementation and Enhanced Library of Procedures
Change Communication Tools:
- The IS&T Pipeline Meeting
- Remedy Change Management System
IS&T Quarterly Project Reviews
PMBA Working Group
Remedy Change Management
ITSM Tool Evaluation