The Dashboard

The Dashboard is the landing page for the Gradebook and displays which assignments require grading, approving of grades, and which assignments have been completely graded and approved. Directions on how to add assignments to the Gradebook can he be found here.

The Grading Task Lists

The three columns on the dashboard list the assignments that require grading and approving and the assignments where all grades have been entered and approved.

Needs Grading - Lists assignments/exams that have no grades assigned or have grades that are overdue. Click the assignment/exam title to jump to the grading table where you can finalize outstanding scores.

Needs Approving - Lists assignments/exams that have grades entered but not yet approved. Click the assignment/exam title to jump to the grading table where you can approve grades that are ready to be finalized.

All Done - Lists assignments/exams that have been graded, approved, and released to students. Click the assignment/exam title to jump to the grading table where you can view all released grades.

The Find Student Field

Clicking on the 'Find Student field will bring up a list of enrolled students:

The Download Dropdown Menu

The 'Download' dropdown menu allows you to export various portions of the Gradebook:

  • Roster XLS / CSV- Downloads the Students page in either XLS or CSV format. This includes student's names, username, MIT ID, Section, letter grade, cumulative grade, and the grades for each assignment. 
  • Roster XLS with makeup grades- Downloads the Students page in XLS format. This includes student's names, username, MIT ID, Section, letter grade, cumulative grade, the Actual Grade, Original Grade and Makeup Grade for each assignment.
  • Assignments XLS- Downloads the Assignments page in XLS format. This includes the title, short name, due date, max points, whether the assignment is accessible to graders, and whether it has been removed. 
  • Letter Grades XLS- Exports the 'Letter Grades' page in XLS format. This includes student's names, username, MIT ID, Section, letter grade, cumulative grade, and whether the grades have been approved. 
  • Grade History XLS- Downloads the grade history in XLS format. This includes the assignment, student name, student username, student's MIT ID, the date, the grader's name, the grader's username, the grader's role, the grade type, and the actual grade.
The Import Menu

The 'Import' menu allows you to import various portions of the Gradebook:

  • Import Excel - You can upload assignments, letter grades, the complete grade history, and the student roster here.
    Note: When importing an excel sheet into the gradebook, you must use the same file you exported - you cannot copy and paste the data into another spreadsheet. There is hidden information contained within the exported spreadsheet that is required for the file to be recognized by the gradebook.