Allows you to split a table of contents based on the headings of the current page. By default, the macro will also display links to headings both above and below the content which it contains.
The Code
h4. Heading 1
Some Content.
h4. Heading 2
More content.
h4. Heading 3
Some more content.
Heading 1
Some Content.
Heading 2
More content.
Heading 3
Some more content. |
Name |
Required? |
Default |
Description |
location |

both |
This parameter allows you to specify where the table of contents should be displayed, either top or bottom of the content contained within the macro. If you do not specify anything with this parameter then the contents will be displayed at both the top and bottom of the content |
type |

list |
The type of TOC to output. May be 'list' or 'flat'. |
outlne |

false |
If true each item will be prefixed by a hierarchical number (e.g. '1.3'). |
style |

none |
The style of bullet-point to use for each item. Any CSS styles are valid. |
separator |

brackets |
The type of separator when in 'flat' mode. May be any of the following: brackets, braces. parentheses (parens), etc. |
indent |

When displayed as a 'list', the amount to indent each heading level. Note: This is a CSS quantity, so make sure you use the quantity type (eg. '10px' not '10'). |
minLevel |

1 |
The minimum level to report headings for, inclusive. Eg. '2' will list 'h2.' and 'h3.' headings, but not 'h1.'. |
maxLevel |

7 |
The maximum level to report headings for, inclusive. Eg. '2' will list 'h1.' and 'h2.' headings, but not 'h3.' or above. |
includePages |

If set to true, then the contents will also include any headings within included pages within the current page |
filter |

Allows you to use a Regular Expression to filter headings based on matching criteria. Not for the feint hearted! |
printable |

true |
If set to false, the TOC will not be visible when printing. |
class |

If specified, a <div> surrounding the TOC will be output with the specified 'class' attribute. Use CSS styles to customize the look of the TOC. |