= #6495ED

Dynamic Task List Plugin

Creates an editable task list within a wiki page.

This plugin includes the following macros:
  • tasklist - Creates an editable task list.

Creates an editable task list within a wiki page.

The Code

{tasklist:My Tasklist}


Adding a Task

Type the name of the task in the text field and click the 'Add' button. In the following example, the task 'meeting' and 'lunch' was added.

Displaying / Editing Task Details

Clicking on will display a tasks details.

Here you can change the priority of a task or who the task is assigned to by manually entering their username or clicking on the icons to search for a user or group.

Completing a Task

Click the checkbox next to a task to complete it. The progress bar will change based on what percentage of the listed tasks are completed.

You can 'uncomplete' a task by unchecking the corresponding box or use the 'uncheck all' button to 'uncomplete' all tasks. The progress bar will reflect these changes.