AGENDA for February 26, 2010

1. Look at work done by members

2. Refine the information architecture

3. Look for unattended areas to work on

Minutes from Feb 5 meeting

attending Ann, Elaine, Kate, Ranjani, Molly, Kris, Peter

1. Portal buckets proposed. Let’s make sure we’re in agreement about the areas that we want to create in the portal
Guidelines for planning
Standards for Capture
Standards for Output
Services Available
We’d like to have some discussion also about the work that needs to be done to get the information needed for each of these areas.
2. Sub-buckets within “Services Available”
We’d like to have the group work on providing information about services that we currently provide from our areas. This will end up being homework.
3. Video and disabilities
Kate sent an email around to a few people discussing some issues around disabilities and video. This is likely to have implications for our work so we’d like to talk about this a bit.

Discussion on the above

1.) Need a requirements section. Requirements are part of the planning section.For example :"if you are thinking about doing video, here are some of the caveats in regards to security issues, intellectual property".

CART is a tool that transcribes the lecture. Its a person with a disabilitiy and then a person typing. Its like high quality close captioning. Or you could have a signer. Jim Glass's work is 80% effective. Jim is the spoken lecture guy.

Different people would work on different buckets. Who might do what.

Kris and Ranjani work on the planning piece - guidelines for planning

First piece of it is to gather the information.

Next piece is standards for capture. Elaine and Peter will work on standards for capture.

Next is standards for output. Kate will take that. Molly will help.

Services available

AMPS services, AV, OCW, cable TV, schedules office for room schedule. CAC for rooms, E33 lighting group... do lighting for Kresge, OEIT film editing laboratory NMC.

EECS supplies a few things... but its not supported by MIT. Kurt Fend is another.

Ann will do Services available. Molly will help.

Delivery in a month. Have a check in at the next meeting.

Also provide a list of non-centralized services. Foreign Languages, DUSP, EECS.

We need to address issues around intellectual property and copyright issues. This could be another bucket.

OCW has its own in-house person who does video production. 

Two different paths: OCW partners fully or partially with AMPS.

OCW does it themselves.

Third category. Someone shoots it them self, and hands it off to OCW.

We need also to think about our presentation and output format. We need to think about whether we want to go html route, drupal route, word press, etc. Lets find portals that we like. We should search to find this is the way we want to do things.

We should put a link on this wiki for presentation and design, etc. A tree structure might work well. Also we want Ann and Peter to think about the challenges of the image portal.... maybe learn something from the past.