Below are the questions (with facilitators) we will discuss at the January All Hands meeting. These discussions will be scribed and input used for future CSS planning and where appropriate, IS&T responses to various Task Force recommendations that evolved as part of the Institute wide cost savings initiatives.
1. Centralizing purchasing and management of computer software - what role should IS&T play in purchasing software for the community?
2. Centralizing purchasing and management of computer hardware
3. What, if anything, is the role of AUX in removing pain points in using MIT enterprise systems?
5. What are the biggest technical pain points you experience or see clients experience with the products/services we support?
6. If MIT decides to decustomize our enterprise applications, where should AUX focus our training and documentation efforts:
7. If you could name one thing that IS&T could do to improve the quality of technical support we are able to provide, what would it be and why?
8. When considering different sourcing models what do you think are the key considerations for determining whether certain work should be done internally vs. by an outside organization?
9. Where does the work of CSS overlap with the academic mission of MIT?