Metadata Production via the DSpace Submission User Interface
Getting Started
- Login to DSpace:
- Click 'Submissions'
- Click 'start a new submission'
- In the 'Select a collection' drop-down menu, scroll all the way down to the w's. You will find a long list of 'Working Papers' collections. Select the first one and click 'Next'.
The Submission Process
- Initial Questions
- Multiple titles: We usually do not check this box. If the working paper has an alternative title, check the box.
- Published: We usually check this box.
- The First Description Screen
- Author. Enter the last and first names of each author.
- Title. Enter the title.
- Date of Issue. Enter the date of distribution of the working paper if found on the paper.
- Publisher
- For ACDL Tech Reports: The publisher is "Aerospace Computational Design Laboratory, Dept. of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology"
- For MIT CEEPR: "MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research"
- For HAL Reports: "MIT Humans and Automation Laboratory"
- Citation. These working papers will not have citations
- Series/Report No.:
- For ACDL Tech Reports
- Series Name is "ACDL Technical Reports"
- Report number is as found here:
There are two variations depending on whether the date of the report. Early report numbers begin "FDRL", later reports "ACDL". The change took place between 2003 and 2006.
- Series Name is "MIT-CEEPR (Series)"
- Report or paper No. will be some varation of "03-016WP". You will find this number on the working paper.
- For Hal Reports:
- Series Name is "HAL Reports
- Report or paper No. will be some variation of "HAL2009-03". You will find this number on the working paper.
- Identifiers. These working papers will likely not have any identifiers.
- Type
- For working paper collections it is "Working Paper".
- For reports it is "Technical Report"
- Language is English (United States)
- The Second Description Screen
- Subject Keywords. If the working paper contains keywords, enter them.
- Abstract. If the working paper contains an abstract, cut and paste it into this field.
- Sponsors. If the working paper contains a statement of sponsorship, cut and paste it into this field.
- Description. You can leave this field blank.
- Upload
- Browse for file
- Describe File. Use "Series Statement, for example, "MIT-CEEPR (Series); 03-016WP"?
- Upload file & add another or Next
- Review
- Review and correct as necessary, then click 'Next'.
- The Creative Commons License
- I'm fairly certain you can ignore this section and click 'Next".
- The DSpace Deposit License
- You have to check 'I Grant the License', then click 'Complete submission'.
- Completion
- Start over. Click 'Submit another item'.