
The intended audience of this document is members of the MIT Community wishing to know more about the technical implementation of Athena. Much of this document is taken verbatim from /mit/ghudson/info/athena, written by Greg Hudson, former Release Engineer for Athena.

This is not a complete list. New sections to be written include Zephyr, Printing, the Global MOTD system, and the Lert system.


Many Athena services use a security system called Kerberos. Kerberos can be thought of as a service for negotiating shared secrets between unfamiliar parties.

A central server called a KDC (Key Distribution Center) has a pre-shared secret with each user and with each service. The secrets shared with users are conventionally called "passwords"; the secrets shared with services are conventionally called "keytabs" (or "srvtabs", in older jargon). Together, users and services are called "principals".

When one principal requests to negotiate a shared key with another principal, the KDC makes up a random new key (called a "session key"), encrypts it once in each principal's key (along with a bunch of other information), and sends both pieces of ciphertext back to the first principal, which will in turn send the appropriate part to the second principal when it is ready to talk. Since both principals can get at the session key by decrypting their bit of ciphertext, they now have a
shared secret which they can use to communicate securely. Kerberos clients record these bits of information in "credential caches" (or "ticket files" in older jargon; neither term is particularly correct since the file is not strictly a cache and stores more than just tickets).

There are two versions of the Kerberos protocol in use on Athena, 4 and 5. The Kerberos 5 protocol supports more features and different types of cryptographic algorithms, but is also a great deal more complicated. Kerberos 4 is being actively phased out, and is expected to be completely retired by early 2010.

See for more complete and precise information about Kerberos. Athena services which use Kerberos include AFS, discuss, zephyr, olc, moira, and remote login and FTP (when both parties support it).


Athena workstations use a filesystem called AFS. Running AFS allows workstations to access files under the /afs hierarchy. Of particular interest are the MIT parts of this hierarchy: /afs/, /afs/, /afs/, /afs/, /afs/, and /afs/

Unlike NFS, AFS includes two layers of indirection which shield a client from having to know what hostname a file resides on in order to access it. The first layer of indirection is "cells", such as Each workstation has a directory of cells in /usr/vice/etc/CellServDB, which it can use to look up the database servers for a cell name. If a cell's database servers change, each
client's CellServDB has to be updated, but the canonical paths to files in that cell do not change. Athena workstations update their CellServDB files periodically (at boot and reactivate time) from /afs/

The second layer of indirection is the volume location database, or VLDB. Each AFS cell's contents are divided into named volumes of files which are stored together; volumes refer to other volumes using mountpoints within their directory structure. When a client wishes to access a file in a volume, it uses the VLDB servers to find out which file server the volume lives on. Volumes can move around from one file server to another and clients will track them without the user noticing anything other than a slight slowdown.

AFS has several advantages over traditional filesystems:

AFS has several unusual properties which sometimes causes software to behave poorly in relationship to it:

AFS uses Kerberos 5 to authenticate. Since it is not reasonable for AFS kernel code to read Kerberos credential caches directly, AFS-specific credentials are stored into the kernel as "tokens". The kernel looks up tokens using a "process authentication group" or PAG, which is stored in the user's group list. If there is no PAG in the user's group list, the kernel falls back to looking up tokens by uid, which would mean that two separate logins would use the same tokens and that a user who does an "su" no longer uses the same tokens. Athena workstations do their best to ensure that each login gets a fresh PAG.

See for more information about AFS.


Hesiod is a simple string lookup service built on top of the Domain Name System. Conceptually, the service translates a pair of strings (the "name" and "type") into a set of result strings. This lookup is done very simply; a DNS lookup is done for and the strings in the resulting TXT records are returned.

Athena uses Hesiod to store user account information (see section 6), locker information (see section 4), post office box information (see section 11), workstation cluster information (see section 7), and printer information.


Athena imposes a filesystem-independent layer of indirection on file storage called "lockers". Because most Athena lockers currently live in AFS, lockers may seem a little inconvenient and pointless, but the concept may come in handy if Athena ever moves to a different filesystem.

Operationally, a locker is represented by a Hesiod entry with type "filsys". The value of the filsys record is a string which usually looks like "AFS <pathname> <mode> <mountpoint> <pref>", where AFS is the filesystem type, <pathname> is the AFS path of the locker, <mode> determines whether tokens are desirable or required for the locker, <mountpoint> determines where the locker should appear on the local
workstation, and <pref> is used to order filsys entries when there is more than one. If the filesystem type is something other than AFS, different fields may be present.

Users can make lockers visible on an Athena workstation using the setuid "attach" program. The "add" alias from the standard Athena dotfiles attaches a locker and places the appropriate binary and manual directories in the user's PATH and MANPATH.

A loose convention, documented in the lockers(7) man page, governs how software lockers should be organized. Not all lockers are for software; in particular, user home directories are also lockers, and generally do not contain any software.

Mail infrastructure

To send mail, Athena machines use a mostly unmodified version of
sendmail. Outgoing mail is sent through the MIT mailhubs, although it
may be queued temporarily on local workstations if the MIT mailhubs
won't accept it immediately.

When mail is received by an MIT mailhub for, it is
normally delivered to a storage area on a PO server. PO servers can
speak either IMAP (see RFC 2060) or a modified version of the POP
protocol (see RFC 1725) which uses Kerberos 4 instead of passwords to

The supported Athena mail client is a modified version of nmh which
uses KPOP to retrieve mail and store it in files in the user's home
directory. Many users use alternative mail programs; most use KPOP
and store into the user's homedir in some format. Some users use
netscape, which speaks IMAP using SSL and which generally leaves mail
on the PO server so that it can be accessed from non-Athena machines.


Moira is a database and primary information repository for:

and probably a few other things.

Production systems never (at least, ideally) retrieve information from
moira as part of regular operation; instead, a periodic process called
a DCM (Data Control Manager) pushes out new versions of information
from the Moira database to the affected servers. For instance, the
Hesiod DNS servers are periodically updated with a new zone file
containing new cluster, filsys, printer, and user information.
Currently, the DCM runs several times a day. A few kinds of changes
to the Moira database are propagated immediately to the affected
servers via incremental update; an example is changes to AFS groups
resulting from changes to Moira list membership.

The Moira server is implemented as an Oracle database with a
surrounding layer of C code. The Moira clients for Unix live in the
moira locker (the Athena release contains scripts which attach the
moira locker and run the actual programs), and use Kerberos 4 to
authenticate to the Moira server.


Larvnet is the cluster monitoring system which gathers the data
returned by the "cview" command--a list of free machines of each type
in the Athena clusters, and a list of the number of current jobs
pending on Athena printers.

When a user logs in or out of an Athena machine, or when an Athena
machine starts up the login system, the machine sends a status packet
to the Larvnet server. The status packet gives the machine's name,
host type, and an determination of whether any user is logged into the
machine at the console. Workstations can also be queried for the same
status information using the "busyd" UDP service, which runs out of
inetd. The Larvnet server separates machine names into clusters
according to a configuration file and produces a data file once per
minute containing counts of the free machines in each cluster of each

The Larvnet server also queries the print spooler for each Athena
printer once per minute, using an "lpq" query. (Sadly, the output
returned by "lpq" is not standardized well enough to be robustly
machine-readable, so the mechanism here sometimes requires maintenance
when changes are made to the printing system.)


Athinfo is a TCP service which runs out of inetd on Athena machines.
It allows anyone to remotely run one of a specified set of named
commands and view the output. "athinfo machinename queries" will
generally give a list of the commands which can be run.

Software License Wrapper

Some of the commercial third-party software used at MIT is
"license-wrapped". This means the binary which lives in the locker
has been corrupted by DES-encrypting a chunk of the binary in some
key. A front-end script invokes a program which contacts the slw
server to retrieve the key which can decrypt the chunk of the binary
so that it can be run. The server will refuse the request for the key
if the client machine does not appear to be on an MIT network.

The license software currently lives in the slw locker, although it
may move into the Athena release.