{composition-setup}{composition-setup} {table:border=1|frame=void|rules=cols|cellpadding=8|cellspacing=0} {tr:valign=top} {td:width=350|bgcolor=#F2F2F2} {live-template:Left Column} {td} {td} {HTMLcomment}The header material sets up the left navigation column.{HTMLcomment} {excerpt:hidden=true}Compares the simple pendulum model with a slightly more detailed one.{excerpt} |!179px-Grandfather_clock_pendulum.png!| |Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons| |Downloaded 2009-01-16 from Charles H. Henderson & John F. Woodhull (1901) The Elements of Physics, D. Appleton & Co., New York, p.59, fig.21| Adding detail to the model of the [pendulum]. {HTMLcomment}The "Solution" header and the *bold* items below should NOT be changed. Only the regular text within the {cloak} macros should be altered.{HTMLcomment} h4. Solution {toggle-cloak:id=sys} *System:* {cloak:id=sys}A model of a [pendulum], simply supported and free to swing without friction about a supporting axis under the [torque|torque (single-axis)] due to [gravity|gravity (near-earth)].{cloak:sys} {toggle-cloak:id=int} *Interactions:* {cloak:id=int}Specify the relevant interactions here.{cloak:int} {toggle-cloak:id=mod} *Model:* {cloak:id=mod}[Angular Momentum and External Torque about a Single Axis]{cloak:mod} {toggle-cloak:id=app} *Approach:* {cloak:id=app} {toggle-cloak:id=diag} {color:red} *Diagrammatic Representation* {color} {cloak:id=diag} Include a diagrammatic representation whenever possible. {cloak:diag} {toggle-cloak:id=math} {color:red} *Mathematical Representation* {color} {cloak:id=math} The regular solution. {cloak:math} {cloak:app} {HTMLcomment}The footer completes the page setup and attaches the license and acknowledgments.{HTMLcomment} {td} {tr} {table} |