{table:align=right|cellspacing=0|cellpadding=1|border=1|frame=box|width=40%} {tr} {td:align=center|bgcolor=#F2F2F2}*[Model Hierarchy]* {td} {tr} {tr} {td} {pagetree:root=Model Hierarchy|reverse=true} {search-box} {td} {tr} {table} h2. Description and Assumptions {excerpt:hidden=true}System: One [point particle] constrained to move in a circle at constant speed. --- Interactions: [Centripetal acceleration|centripetal acceleration].{excerpt} This model applies to a single [point particle] moving in a circle of fixed radius (assumed to lie in the _xy_ plane with its center at the origin) with constant speed. It is a subclass of the [Rotational Motion] model defined by α=0 and _r_ = _R_. h2. Problem Cues Usually uniform circular motion will be explicitly specified if you are to assume it. (Be especially careful of _vertical_ circles, which are generally _nonuniform_ circular motion because of the effects of gravity. Unless you are specifically told the speed is constant in a vertical loop, you should not assume it to be.) You can also use this model to describe the acceleration in _instantaneously_ uniform circular motion, which is motion along a curved path with the tangential acceleration instantaneously equal to zero. This will usually apply, for example, when a particle is at the top or the bottom of a vertical loop, when gravity is not changing the _speed_ of the particle. ---- || Page Contents || | {toc:style=none|indent=10px} | ---- h2. Prerequisite Knowledge h4. Prior Models * [1-D Motion (Constant Velocity)] * [1-D Motion (Constant Acceleration)] h4. Vocabulary and Procedures * [tangential acceleration] * [centripetal acceleration] * [angular frequency] ---- h2. System h4. Constituents A single [point particle|point particle]. h4. State Variables Time (_t_), radius of circle (_R_), tangential speed (_v_), angular position (θ), angular velocity (ω). ---- h2. Interactions h4. Relevant Types The system must be subject to an acceleration (and so a net force) that is directed _radially inward_ to the center of the circular path, with no tangential component. h4. Interaction Variables Centripetal acceleration (_a_~c~). ---- h2. Model h4. Relevant Definitions h5. Initial conditions: {latex}\begin{large}\[ x_{0} = x(t=0)\] \[ y_{0} = y(t=0) \] \[\theta_{0} = \theta(t=0)\]\end{large}{latex} h5. Centripetal acceleration: \\ {latex}\begin{large}\[ \vec{a}_{c} = -\frac{v^{2}}{R}\hat{r} = -\omega^{2}R\;\hat{r}\]\end{large}{latex} \\ h5. Phase: \\ {latex}\begin{large}\[ \phi = \cos^{-1}\left(\frac{x_{0}}{R}\right) = \sin^{-1}\left(\frac{y_{0}}{R}\right) \]\end{large}{latex} h4. Laws of Change \\ h5. Angular Position: \\ {latex}\begin{large}\[ \theta(t) = \theta_{0}+\omega t\]\end{large}{latex} \\ h5. Position: \\ {latex}\begin{large}\[ x(t) = R\cos(\omega t + \phi)\]\end{large}{latex} \\ {latex}\begin{large}\[ y(t) = R\sin(\omega t + \phi)\]\end{large}{latex} \\ h5. Velocity: \\ {latex}\begin{large}\[ \vec{v} = -R\omega\sin(\omega t+\phi) \;\hat{x} + R\omega\cos(\omega t +\phi)\;\hat{y} = \omega R \hat{\theta}\]\end{large}{latex} \\ ---- h2. Diagrammatical Representations * [Free body diagram|free body diagram] (used to demonstrate that a net radial force is present). * [Delta-v diagram|delta-v diagram]. * x- and y-position versus time graphs. * θ versus time graph. ---- h2. Relevant Examples {contentbylabel:circular_motion,uniform_circular_motion|maxResults=50|showSpace=false|excerpt=true} ---- {search-box} \\ \\ | !copyright and waiver^copyrightnotice.png! | RELATE wiki by David E. Pritchard is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/]. | |