Tested 13 June 2007 against the isda-thalia2/3/4 set with unknown backend code, Alfresco Enterprise 2.0.1, and Oracle 10g:

Tested 9 July 2007 against the isda-thalia5/6/7 set with backend 717, Alfresco Enterprise 2.0.1 (build 54, schema 41), and Oracle 10g:

\[test data pending collection\] 

Notes on data collection: in all cases times represent the time to complete the item import call from first byte sent to last response byte received.  (For users on a slow network, the upload time may be nontrivial as well.)  For the faster tests results were averaged across several runs but were generally consistent.  Median times were quite close to average times.  Image sets were the same between runs and come from the HST image collection.  Larger images take longer, though not linearly so.