h1. Edgerton Digital Collections Metadata Definition Project

h2. Documentation

DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT Edgerton Digital Archives Metadata Information Model: [download Version 0.2 PDF|^edgertonmetadatav0p2.pdf] DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT

[MIT Museum Slide Cataloging Fields|Edgerton:slide cataloging fields]as of 3/24/08

h2. Working Documents

Edgerton Cataloging Training: download PPT

Package Interchange File (PIF) with images and METS manifest (contents: Notebook 29) for OEIT to test, 2009-02-17: [download zip|http://libraries.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/metadata/Archive.zip]

Whiteboard images (Oct 22 meeting): [download PDF|^Whiteboard-10-22.pdf]

h3. Taxonomies

* Mobius Value Lists (Places, People): [download XML|^mobius_value_lists.xml]
* Subject Categories used by the negative catalogers: [download TXT|^edgsubjects.txt] as of 11/24/08
* EOP topic categories: [download DOC|^EOP topic categories.doc] from Claire C.

h1. MIT Libraries Edgerton Notebook Cataloging Project

h2. Library Team Tasks


h2. Workflows

 Page Metadata Editing Workflow
#  Go to Page Details View
# Search for notebook number via identifier field (e.g. search for "nb31")
# Work your way through the found set.  For each page do the following:
## Assign a "type" value from the drop down list.  The type value should match the content of the page.  If there is more than one type of content use the second through fifth type fields to assign up to five types.
## For front and back pages, edit the "title" field.  Add a descriptive title for the page after the notebook number.  Be sure to separate the notebook information from the page title with a comma.
## Check the "sequence" field.  The numbers should grow linearly in one sequence for the entire notebook.  If the current page's number is not one greater than the previous page, correct.
## Glance at the remaining filled in fields for errors.
## Click the "DONE" button.
## Navigate to the next page.

Use nb03 as an example.  I have done a few pages in this notebook. 

h2. Issues

Missing Images:
* nb14 \-\- images missing for "MC0025_nb14_039" through "MC0025_nb14_235"
* nbgg \-\- image for MC0025_nbgg_098 corrupted, only see top third of page
* nb19 \-\- 004 and 237 are missing images

Extra Page Records:
*  nb32 p003a
* nb32 p027c
* nb32 f012
* nb32 p149e
* nb33 p097c
* nb33 f012
* nb36 b005-007
* nbgg f046-f047
* nbee p091e
* nbhh p480-p495
* nb19 p94e-f, p152a-f, b010
* nb18 f068-f075, p069a-m, p152a-b
* nb17 p152a-c
* nbT-6 p152a-e

Extra File Records: nb20 has two sets of file records, both numbered 001-291, the second set has the images, the first set is blank;

same for nbee, #1-236 duplicates without images;

same for nbff, #1-375 duplicates without images