
iTunes software on Windows XP and Mac OS X will take care of Contacts/Address Book synchronization as long as the data is located in the local desktop/laptop.

Known Issues

There may be some minor issues that affect a small number of people at MIT:

  1. If the user's data is stored in the TechTime database, it might not be possible to synchronize the data with the iPhone.
  2. Current users of Palm OS devices may need to export the data from Palm Desktop Software to Outlook (Windows XP) or Address Book (Mac OS).

Verifying Main Functionality

Note: "Server" refers to local desktop/laptop data storage for Contacts.
Testing should be performed for Windows XP (Outlook), Mac OS (Address Book). While there are other applications that users might use to store Contacts, for the purpose of the evaluation, the above should suffice.





Expected Result



Create new contact with minimal fields from the server.

To ensure that the fields that are already supported for a device are properly transferred from server to device upon creation and from device to server upon modification.

Create a new contact entry from the server with all fields (except for addresses, emails, telephone numbers, and URLs)
Perform a sync
Modify it from the device, and then sync again.

The address book entry created on the server should be reflected on the device with an appropriate mapping of fields taking advantage of what the device supports.
After modifying the entry and synchronizing, the modified entry is similar on both the device and server.
The mappings used to send data to the devices should be the same on data returning to the server so that the expected fields are modified.

Windows XP (Outlook):
Mac OS (Address Book):


Create new contact with minimal fields from the device.

To ensure that the fields that are already supported for a device are properly transferred from device to server upon creation and from device to server upon modification.

Create a new contact entry from the device with all fields filled out (except for addresses, emails, telephone numbers, and URLs)
Perform a sync
Modify it from the server, and then sync again.

The address book entry created on the device should be reflected on the server with an appropriate mapping of fields taking advantage of what the server supports
After modifying the entry and synchronizing, the modified entry is similar on both the device and server.  
The mappings used to send data to the server should be the same on data returning to the device so that the expected fields are modified.

Windows XP (Outlook):
Mac OS (Address Book):


Create new contact with incomplete fields from the server

Verify that fields with no data can be synchronized from the server correctly

Create a new contact entry from the server without specification of the name suffix, name prefix and job title fields (NULL characters).
Perform a sync
Modify it from the device, and then sync again.

The address book entry created on the device is displayed correctly and can be edited.
After modifying the entry and synchronizing, the modified entry is similar on both the device and server.

Windows XP (Outlook):
Mac OS (Address Book):


Create new contact with addresses from the server.

To ensure that the address fields that are supported for a device are properly transferred from server to device upon creation, modification and deletion.

Create a contact with several addresses (home, business, etc...) from the server,
Perform a sync
Modify the contact from device changing one of the addresses.
From the server, delete the first address property and add a new address property
Perform a sync
Modify the new address property from the server,
Perform a sync.

The contact should appear on the device and address types supported by the device should be available and formatted in a way that is usable to the user.
The modification made on the device should be reflected on the server but any server side formatting of the address should be maintained and other address (not supported on the device) should remain unaffected.
The device side address affected by the server side changes should be properly updated and the correct ordering should be maintained.
Last modification should update the corresponding address on the device. 

Windows XP (Outlook):
Mac OS (Address Book):


Create new contact with addresses from the device.

To ensure that the address fields that are supported for a device are properly transferred from device to server upon creation, modification and deletion.

Create a contact with several addresses (home, business, etc...) from the device (if the device supports it),
Perform a sync
Modify the contact from server changing one of the addresses.
From the device, delete the first address property and add a new address property
Perform a sync
Modify the new address property from the device,
Perform a sync.

The contact should appear on the server and address types entered on the device should be properly mapped, available, and formatted in a way that is usable to the user on the server.
The modification made on the server should be reflected on the device but any device side formatting of the address should be maintained.
The device side changes should get properly reflected server side with the ordering properly maintained.
Last modification should update the corresponding address on the server.  

Windows XP (Outlook):
Mac OS (Address Book):


Create new contact with telephone numbers from the server.

To ensure that the telephone fields that are supported for a device are properly transferred from server to device upon creation, modification and deletion.

Create a contact with several phone numbers (home1, home2, business, etc...) from the server,
Perform a sync
Modify the contact from device changing one of the phone numbers.
From the server, delete the first phone number and add a new phone number
Perform a sync
Modify the new phone number from the server,
Perform a sync

The contact should appear on the device and the phone numbers supported by the device should be available and formatted in a way that is usable to the user.
The modification made on the device should be reflected on the server but any server side formatting of the phone number should be maintained and other phone numbers (not supported on the device) should remain unaffected.
The device side phone numbers affected by the server side changes should be properly updated and the correct ordering should be maintained.
Last modification should update the corresponding phone number on the device.  

Windows XP (Outlook):
Mac OS (Address Book):


Create new contact with telephone numbers from the device.

To ensure that the telephone fields that are supported for a device are properly transferred from device to server upon creation, modification and deletion.

Create a contact with several phone numbers (home1, home2, business, etc...) from the device (if the device supports it),
Perform a sync
Modify the contact from server changing one of the phone numbers.
From the device, delete the first phone number and add a new phone number
Perform a sync
Modify the new phone number from the device,
Perform a sync

The contact should appear on the server and phone numbers entered on the device should be properly mapped, available, and formatted in a way that is usable to the user on the server.
The modification made on the server should be reflected on the device but any device side formatting of the phone number should be maintained.
The device side changes should get properly reflected server side with the ordering properly maintained.
Last modification should update the corresponding phone number on the server.  

Windows XP (Outlook):
Mac OS (Address Book):


Create new contact with emails from the server.

To ensure that the email fields that are supported for a device are properly transferred from server to device upon creation, modification and deletion.

Create a contact with several email addresses (home1, home2, business, etc...) from the server,
Perform a sync
Modify the contact from device changing one of the email addresses.
From the server, delete the first email address and add a new email address
Perform a sync
Modify the new email address from the server,
Perform a sync

The contact should appear on the device and the email addresses supported by the device should be available and formatted in a way that is usable to the user.
The modification made on the device should be reflected on the server but other email addresses (not supported on the device) should remain unaffected.
The device side email addresses affected by the server side changes should be properly updated and the correct ordering should be maintained.
Last modification should update the corresponding email address on the device.  

Windows XP (Outlook):
Mac OS (Address Book):


Create new contact with urls/web page addresses from the server.

To ensure that the url fields that are supported for a device are properly transferred from server to device upon creation, modification and deletion.

Create a contact with several web page URLS (work web site, home web site, etc...) from the server,
Perform a sync
Modify the contact from device changing one of the web page URLs
From the server, delete the first URL and add a new URL
Perform a sync
Modify the new URL from the server,
Perform a sync

The contact should appear on the device and the URLs supported by the device should be available and formatted in a way that is usable to the user.
The modification made on the device should be reflected on the server but other URLs (not supported on the device) should remain unaffected.
The device side URLs affected by the server side changes should be properly updated and the correct ordering should be maintained.
Last modification should update the corresponding URL on the device.  

Windows XP (Outlook):
Mac OS (Address Book):


Create new contact with emails from the device.

To ensure that the email fields that are supported for a device are properly transferred from device to server upon creation, modification and deletion.

Create a contact with several email addresses (home1, home2, business, etc...) from the device,
Perform a sync
Modify the contact from the server changing one of the email addresses.
From the device, delete the first email address and add a new email address
Perform a sync
Modify the new email address from the device,
Perform a sync

The contact should appear on the server and email addresses entered on the device should be properly mapped, available, and formatted in a way that is usable to the user on the server.
The modification made on the server should be reflected on the device.
The device side changes should get properly reflected server side with the ordering properly maintained.
Last modification should update the corresponding email address on the server

Windows XP (Outlook):
Mac OS (Address Book):


Create new contact with urls/web page addresses from the device.

To ensure that the URL fields that are supported for a device are properly transferred from device to server upon creation, modification and deletion.

Create a contact with several web page URLS (work web site, home web site, etc...) from the device,
Perform a sync
Modify the contact from server changing one of the web page URLs
From the device, delete the first URL and add a new URL
Perform a sync
Modify the new URL from the device,
Perform a sync

The contact should appear on the server and URls entered on the device should be properly mapped, available, and formatted in a way that is usable to the user on the server.
The modification made on the server should be reflected on the device.
The device side changes should get properly reflected server side with the ordering properly maintained.
Last modification should update the corresponding URL on the server

Windows XP (Outlook):
Mac OS (Address Book):


Special Characters

Verify that special characters in contacts properly sync to and from the device.

From the Server, create a contact filling out all text fields with special characters.
Perform a sync
From the device modify the contact.
Perform a sync
Repeat creating contact on device and modifying on the server.

The contact should appear on the device with all fields on the server correctly mapped to corresponding fields on the device.  All special characters should properly appear on the device as it is displayed on the server.
After modifying the contact, the characters should remain properly displayed on both the device and server and the changes made on the device should be reflected on the server

Windows XP (Outlook):
Mac OS (Address Book):


Delete a contact from the server

To ensure that when a contact is deleted on the server, it is also deleted on the device.

From the server, delete an existing contact entry and sync.

The corresponding address book entry is removed from the device. 

Windows XP (Outlook):
Mac OS (Address Book):


Delete a contact from the device

To ensure that when a contact is deleted on the device, it is also deleted on the server.

From the device, delete an existing contact entry and sync

The corresponding address book entry is removed from the server. 

Windows XP (Outlook):
Mac OS (Address Book):