The Key Tracker allows the Facilities Keys Office to manage their key inventory. The existing key tracking application, which was developed 15 years ago, currently resides on an old VAX and Ingres database. We have been asked to migrate it to a web-based application with an Oracle database.
Programmer: Joshua Dale
DBA: Peter Maloof
The Keys Office.
Key Tracker runs on Oracle on .
There are three instances: production, development, and test (for unit testing). The testing database data may be eradicated at any time by unit testing scripts, and should not be used for development or any other data you wish to keep.
Here's the TNSNAMES info for dev and test:
keysdev =
keystest =
Contact Janet Riley Bowker or Peter Maloof for login information.
PHP 5.2
Cake 1.1.15.x (the latest stable, non 1.2 version)
Oracle - whatever version Ops currently recommends
Apache - whatever version Ops currently recommends
The functionality will match the current system. Functionality is fully described in the Key System User Guide printout. Most user actions are CRUD - create, read, update, or delete records. Functionality includes:
We need more information about reports. The user guide names nine reports, but doesn't give a detailed description of what they show. We may be able to copy the SQL from the existing system.
This will be an agile-flavored project, using several short iterations with visible results at the end of each. The order of iterations may change.
Iterations and tasks are broken down here .