Thalia Release Customer Release Communication:

Thalia Insight is the name of the Email sent out to Thalia customers before and after each new release. Its purpose is to warn customers of an upcoming release and to announce the success (or not) of a new release. Each new release changes the functionality and sometimes the look of Thalia. Releasing without warning customers creates unpleasant surprises.

Purpose of the Release Communication:

Contents of Release Communication:

Schedule of the Release Communications:

  1. One week ahead of the expected release.
  2. One day (24 hours) ahead of the expected release.
  3. One day (24 hours) after the release (AFTER the team determines that the release has passed the smoke test). 


----- Original Message -------
Subject:     Thalia Insight: September 22, 2008
Date:     Mon, 22 Sep 2008 16:35:34 -0400
From:     Cassandra Boell <>

Greetings Thalia Users!

Tomorrow, Tuesday September 23rd, at 6:30 PM, we'll have a short downtime of less than an hour while we release some improvements and fixes for Thalia.

Fixes in this patch:

- Notably improved performance in several areas.  This will prevent the
occasional "slow script" errors that some users have noted.

- The info pane for any item now displays who last modified the item.

- When you edit an item, the item's information is now updated
immediately, eliminating confusion about whether or not the edit was successful.

- We've improved performance in the Share Pane.  Also you can now select
multiple users when creating or deleting permissions on single items. You can select multiple users when adding permissions to multiple items.

- We do not fully support all foreign characters (that's a feature we
expect to release in December).  However, we have made sure you can now
update or edit the metadata of items that include foreign characters.

User Help and Training Updates:

Thalia's Help has been substantially rewritten; navigate to it by clicking on the "HELP" link in Thalia.

QuickStart videos to help you get up and running quickly are also all uploaded and available now.

If you find you are having difficulties or questions, please check our
list of known issues (at to
see the things we know about and are working on.  If that does not meet
your need, please e-mail your inquiries to

The Thalia Team

Thalia-info mailing list

Thalia users in your domain can be added to this list here: