What would you like to name your Thalia domain?
You may choose the name or initials you would like your domain name to begin with. Some examples are: "demo.thalia.mit.edu", "psb.thalia.mit.edu".
Please choose the prefix for your domain name.
Add/delete users and groups.
Add/delete custom metadata fields and options.
Manage domain settings:
Change the name of the "Public" library.
Change the link for User Help.
Change field used for item hover tips.
Retain or clear metadata between uploads.
Show or hide slideshows.
Limit "Public" to just the MIT community.
Manage Metadata:
Change the label of fields.
Hide uneeded fields.
Make a field for "internal use only".
Create drop down boxes.
Metadata is extra information about an item, such as title, contributor, etc . Metadata tells more about the image, as well as makes it easier to search for. Thalia is preconfigured with some metadata markup, and allows you to add others. Please follow this link to read descriptions of each Dublin Core metadata field. You may wish to add your own custom metadata fields in addition to the DC metadata fields already available. Academic disciplines have some standardized ones to describe their field of knowledge; picking from a menu makes them more consistent.
These are the Dublin Coremetadata fields that come in every new Thalia domain. You can customize these fields.
o Title
o Description
o Contributor
o Coverage
o Creator
o Date
o Format
o Identifier
o Language
o Publisher
o Relation
o Rights
o Source
o Subject
o Type