Identify Pilot Applications:

  1. Confluence?
  2. Jira?
  3. Stellar
  4. Alfresco / ACEGI
  5. NIST's Spam Management Tools
  6. DSPACE? (libraries)

Pilot Implementation:

What do we need to enter pilot phase?

Development Tasks:

WebAuth-specific work:
    (some of the work is in progress, if not nearly completed, and some is less relevant if we're only going to deploy Shibboleth on application servers)

- Get MIT server certs for login server

- Customize/redesign login page:
  - Support both Kerberos (SPNEGO) and MIT Certificates, per user
  - Look and feel

- Customize/redesign confirm page:
  - Change to support two remote-user options (SPNEGO or Certs) -
    this means changing saved cookie and login.fcgi script
  - Look and feel

- Customize Help page
  - How to configure browser (accept cookies, SPNEGO, certificate)
  - Point to doc for Web server admins?

- Provide a page from which users can change their remote-user option
    Currently can only be done from the confirm page.  (Perhaps not strictly required for a pilot, but probably should be done).  Has UI needs.

- Provide some logout ability (though that won't be global logout).  
    Both Shibboleth and WebAuth provide some non-global logout ability, so this may just be a matter of configuring things, customizing or providing sample pages, etc.

- Document how to configure application web server for simple auth,
  delegated credentials, force username/password, logout.

Shibboleth-related work:
    Obviously we need to discuss these further.  It does not take into account the possible expanded scope due to Stellar requirements.

- decide on certificate scheme/setup (NIST)
  - use Apache/SSL cert for Shibboleth too?
  - SP needs client cert as well as server
  - inline cert data, or use CA?

- sample jsp SP code

- web server script to generate SP xml files, metadata

- IdP script to regenerate its metadata (e.g. for a new SP)

- Attribute release

- Solaris builds - what versions, etc.?

- IIS?

- get/setup test machines from NIST?

- federation?  metadata update system (cron job)

- integrate Webauth/Shibboleth - minimally fix confirmation page

- document Shibboleth setup

- load balance/failover setup?? - untested

- customize error pages, etc.

- set up source repository, build procedures, download sites, etc.