1. Nagios monitoring: the nagios service is sending a http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/libraries  a few times a minute. Nagios also checks ping, sshd, telnet, and http on each of the servers.

2. jmx is enabled remotely so people can use jconsole to monitor the jvm.
3. a script that provides daily usage analysis is sent to thalia-dev. It runs on the ime servers of the test and production cluster (isda-thalia2, isda-thalia11, isda-thalia5, and isda-thalia8). It anaylizes the thalia.log file and shows the usage break down by domains and users.
4. added in the shutdown script to capture the thread dump if a major problem occurs. It does a kill -3 [pid] in the sashctl script before stopping the server. This way we will get a full thread dump in catalina.out for future analysis.
5. a script that monitors disk usage on alfresco servers. There is a script running on all the alfresco servers (cms-proto-th2, isda-thalia12 and isda-thalia6) to monitor the disk usage and sends out emails to thalia-ops if there is a problem.