Minutes from 5.23.08 

Revisited the naming convention discussion to make sure that we were confident in our decision.

Record item # - automatically generated

File name = digital file

These are the same #

Keep the same naming convention that was created in last week's meeting on 5/12/08

Naming convention for files:

Use: KL_000001_001_sv.TIFF



<Project Prefix><six digit item unique ID number><item image #><version/derivative type>.<file extension>_


Walked through:


*The map (hand drawing) with the overlay is a new object. The overlay is what is important and it becomes a new map.

Summary of the group's metadata choices:



Discussed cost estimates for capturing metadata.

A rule of thumb for estimating cost is the  average time it takes to capture image information: average 6 minutes/image = 10 images an hour/ times  the salary

Sean says: What should we spend on cataloguing?

RVC thought that their staff was suppose to do the cataloguing as part of their workflow already.  Jolene and Ann should not have cost recovery since the photographs out of the Kepes-Lynch are from RVC and therefore  there should not be any cost recovery for capturing metadata. 


May 30thAgenda:

1. Recap of last week's discussion

2. Sending content out to BPI - prep. work to be done, timeline

3. Look at how IRIS handles content other than images

4. Agreement on system to use for cataloging Kepes-Lynch content

Kepes-Lynch Meeting Notes Friday, May 30, 2008

Boston Photo Imaging (BPI) has been selected to scan the text documents, photos, and oversized maps. Now the group must decide which items should be scanned first and when they will be ready for BPI to scan. Factors known prior to start of meeting:  the photos are ready to go out of the door today, BPI will be in house

How long will this prep take?Liz - Text prep would take several weeks

Jolene - Student workers hired to work part-time on the transcription.  Can they work on the prep?

Liz - the students can not work on prep process.  The training process would take too long. Also, where would the student's work? No one can be in the collections' pit unless a staff member is present.

Mikki will put each content into it's own folder (because there is no information on the item), generate numbers and spreadsheet.

Sean - Is there anything for the vendor to reference if they are confused as to which box the item belongs to?

Liz - The finding aids are not item level. Photocopy the front page of the document/object and keep it in the box that Archives will hold and in the Mylar folder.

Beverly - Could we send the photos first to gain a few more days to prep the text?

The photos will only take a couple of days and would use different cameras than the text documents so sending them ahead of time would not help with our time schedule.

Text prep process:Jennifer can help Mikki prep the text because she has an open week the first week of June; Jennifer and Mikki need to get together and discuss prep and Stephanie (newly hired student) can sit in on that meeting to orient herself on the project. 

The accession numbers will come from the folders

I should organize the transcription guidelines

Work with Jennifer/Mikki on getting text ready for BPI

I will handle the coordination of getting items to BPI

Collection - KL MC208

                Item - Archives Box 1/Fldr 6