Hi there! Welcome to the cool term job where you get to design cool things, wear cool things, badger people to pay you, and forget 2 shot glasses in the office because everyone was kicked out because of covid and now you live in guilt of having never delivered them!
Designs goes first, because without them, there's no swag! Attached to this wiki page is the logo files (by loren sherman), a mug design (by s ayala) , and a shot glass design (by mary dahl).
In general, you can probably stick the logo onto anything and it'll look pretty good. Be careful using Shakespeare's head: it can look pretty bad/boring on its own (if you look in the show shirt box, there's some ancient ensemble t shirts with Shakespeare on the breast pocket. they're hideous)
If you aren't the designer, be sure to be on them with deadlines. Swag takes a while!
Speaking of.
Here are the swag things that need to be done:
I held a poll to see what kinds of Swag the Ensemble was interested in. Here were the results:
(the blank one is a calendar with show images)
(the blank one is Coprolite Shirt)
T Shirts in general weren't popular because people already get t shirts from shows.
Additional suggestions included varsity jackets (waaaay too expensive), zip up hoodies, drawstring bags, foam swords, and Real Daggers
This was the hoodie design we used: https://www.customink.com/designs/ensemble/sjg0-00bq-rvgw/retrieve?account_id=29415764
We offered both this 2 tone one and solid ones (solid ones were a bit cheaper). The nice thing about CustomInk is that more color in the order aren't extra, so you can offer all the colors on CustomInk if you're willing to deal with the logistics. My strategy with swag sales for larger groups is to offer a smaller pool of "suggested" colors, and give the option to provide a custom one. That way, the amount of potential colors you'll need to sort is likely less because people will tend to choose a "suggested" one. Of course, if the order doesn't end up being that big, it probably won't be a problem...
Purchased here: https://www.discountmugs.com/category/custom-personalized-shot-glasses/
Purchased here: https://www.vistaprint.com/photo-gifts/personalized-mugs
Planned to be purchased here: https://stickerapp.com/ I bought some there for another group and they turned out well.