Use Jira's time-tracking tools:

To effectively use Jira as a project management tool, each developer needs to be more disciplined at tracking time spent on each task.

enter an "orginal estimation" for each task

At the beginning of each sprint, developers should put time estimate and due dates on each one of his/her tasks scheduled for this sprint. Please use hours for time estimate. Jira treats a day as 24 hours which doesn't represent a regular working day. Make sure you do this before logging work to the task. Once work has been logged on an issue, the 'Original Estimation' cannot be changed.

Logging work on an issue

Everytime a developer works on the issue, please go to the log work screen and log the time spent and also a brief description on what work you did.

Resolve an issue

Once the work on an issue is complete, check in the code and resolve the issue.   Please describe the solution in detail and add the svn revision number that contains this fix to the issue. Please see the svn guide on how to make fined grained checkins.

QA will test and close all issues.