November 22, 2010
Replacing Daptiv is not part of IS&T strategic and operation plan for FY11. The senior staff considered this along with any other projects, and due to resource constraints and funding, this effort has been tabled for future consideration. A copy of the IS&T FY11 Plan can be found here:
August 23, 2010
IS&T currently is using Daptiv PPM as our main portfolio management tool. Staff should continue to use the tool to capture projects at the snapshot level. This would include project team members, overall budget, risks, issues, milestones/deliverables (tasks), and project status. Going forward, IS&T is not requiring that staff fill out time sheets in Daptiv.
Use of Daptiv
- Project managers, as assigned by Associate Directors, should enter any work that has a project manager and resources assigned to it (regardless of funding source). This does not include ongoing work, daily support and maintenance tasks
- All projects should be updated on a timely basis (approximately every two weeks)
- The information in Daptiv will be used for project reviews and portfolio management.
Effective Monday, August 16, IS&T discontinued using Projects Requests and any associated workflow within Daptiv.
As part of the FY2011 planning, IS&T is evaluating the future of the project management and resource allocation tools we use, including Daptiv PPM. In the interim, IS&T's Finance Team is currently working with the Associate Directors to develop a process to collect project financials (actual and forecast information) to satisfy quarterly reporting requirements. |