NOTE: If you are not familiar with linux, don't try this, get the thalia ops team involved. These are very rough notes, more a reminder to developers who have already done these things. If you have not, please involve ops rather than trying to do it yourself.
1. Is alfresco running? Go to for dev and htttp:// for test
If not, stop and start alfresco:
cd /home/repos/alfresco-2.1.1-enterprise
./ stop (wait for 2 minutes for Alfresco to completely stop)
./ start (look at ./alfresco.log to make sure it indeed starts)
retest step 1
2. Is the IME running? go to for dev and for test
If not, can we access the manager: for dev and for test server 2 and for test server 11
If not, are tomcat and apache running?
Try to stop and start the web server:
/etc/init.d/web stop
/etc/init.d/web start
look at the log file at /home/www/sash-server/servers/thalia/logs/catalina.out to make sure that tomcat starts with no problems
If the log file complains about address in use:
ps -aux | grep java
You will see two sash containers running, one is default and the other is thalia.
kill -9 [id for thalia tomcat servers] on both instances
ps -aux | grep java again to make sure there is no containers running
then /etc/init.d/web start to start the thalia web server
3. If things still don't work, reboot the entire server:
shutdown -r now
When the server comes back up:
start alfresco first
cd /home/alfresco-2.1.1-enterprise
./ start
check the alfresco.log and go to to verify if Alfresco is running now
now start the IME web server:
/etc/init.d/web start
check catalina.out to see if there are problems.
log files:
thalia log is at /home/www/thalia/log on the ime server
the catalina.out and sash-server.log in /home/www/sash-server/servers/thalia/logs/ are also important
alfresco log files is at /home/repos/alfresco-2.1.1-enterprise/alfresco.log on the alfresco server
the catalina.out at home/repos/alfresco-2.1.1-enterprise/tomcat/logs is also important.