The International body would certify companies as good/sustainable.
List of a worst aspects of unsustainably fishing companies, including things like dolphin kills
Sustainable Fishing Definition
Website: who is going to make it look nice? Different ways to make the site nicer-anyone interested? E-mail Matt if you want to help with this:
Cite stuff!!!! (Author's last name, Year yyyy)
Todd: found article on seafood awareness compaigns There is a seafood pocket guide that the Monterey Bay aquarium studied and found that it had no effect on fish purposes. What else would be more effective. To date, education has not been very successful.
list of best and worst seafood to buy (most and least effects on environment)
Under our education plan we want to synthesize these suggestions and make them more accessible to the public.
ad council anti-ocean pollution campaigns for kids, Discovery Channel has pro-ocean programs-contributes to creating awareness and interest
there are ~10 UN organizations that already are working on this problem-they support a group of scientific researchers
IMO focuses on shippping and clean oceans
Regional organizations-Foreign Fisheries Agencie-ton of information, have treaties between s. pacific countries. restrictions in the s. pacific
International seabed authority (part of UN)-govern seabed.
Kyoto-a "dead treaty"-but even though USA hasn't signed it, many states have instituted stuff from it (ex: California, Seattle)
illustrates that just because a country doesn't sign doesn't mean having a treaty in existence will have no effect. Yet the US is a federal system, so this might me an isolated case.
Do we have any evidence to support that our plan will work on this scale
Answer: no
Rainforest mission was a parallel
Education campaign has to be multifaceted. It should include how to prevent oceanic pollution. Also, should be directed toward people who are directly involved in the oceans.
Pick a few examples are people who need to be targeted with education. Like what messages should be promoted in different types of countries.
harder to educate people whose lives depend on fish
microloans for people who want to develop sustainable fishing
works better as small organizations than gov't funded
how exactly are microloans going to encourage sustainability-is adding more capital good?
we need official consensus on stuff in clear language!!!!!!
LOST treaty-broke it up to read
The navy wants US to pass it, so that the Navy will have the rights stipulated in the LOST
mining releases toxins
What do we want the international body to do that is different from the LOST
DOESN'T address aquaculture, MPAs, but LOST is a really good staring point
It's dicey to restructure something that they've already signed, so maybe we should make a new treaty, LOST
the portion that we want to change/improve is narrower
like introducing a bill: proposed, debated, altered, ratified
We motion to endorse the creation of 'fisheries supplement to the LOST' and we will also make specific recommendations about what should be in this treaty. We must convenve an international conference.
There have been at least 3 conferences on law of the sea.
We support a convening of a fourth convention on the LOST where we propose a supplement.
Why no a new body-it would be much more difficult to get support. The LOST already has a lot of global support. The new treaty will use the same structure. Will we use the same tribunals (judges serve for 9 years, job is to asses member states)-maybe yes, maybe no.
*We need to decide what should go into our supplemental treaty
-"we will do our best to investigate etc.
-a board of scientific and economic advisors to help each country implement country specific plans*
Attendance List
Alex Jordan
Emily Moberg
Claire Nauman
David Anderson
Sean Wahl
Eva Cheung
Alex Piotrowski
Vrajesh Modi
Tracey Hayse
Sivakami Sambasivam
Danielle Whited
Somani Patnaik
Brian Ross
Alex Vai
Todd Mooring
Anna Fung
Adam Bockelie
Clare Lee