Sorry--these are kind of messy, but you can get the basics I hope.
Spatial Distribution
• Water temp, currents->nutrients
• Hurts populations
How to stratify:
• Depth
• Water temp->related to lat/lon?
• Currents
• Ocean chemistry
Divide target areas into sections with similar currents, depth, and temp
Aquaculture--can fill in demand for fish that are needed but cannot be fished due to restrictions
• Needs coastal areas
• Disease--how do you prevent it?
• Prey fish easy to farm--they are usually schoolers and therefore more resistant to diseases
• Need to farm the whole food chain to make fish farming sustainable
• What about releasing prey fish into the wild--how would that change the natural biology?
• Intensive farming-on land ponds, etc prevents fish from escaping-all the effects can be controlled
Monitor what is happening to the fish populations-->plan can be modified to maximize results
Fishing areas occur along the boundaries of currents, where the temperature is right and there is a good supply of nutrients
Polar latitudes are the most susceptible to climate change
Find what else has happened during the spikes/drops
Get migration patterns--especially for bad stocks
Team Aquaculture needs ways to measure ocean currents, and climate
Remember--if there are already groups out there that