ALL decide on common CTI metric (which grades, which pixels in island, which rows)
- use center pixels
- XIS cal source regions
- both use all telemetered grades (minus 255 for XIS, minus 5 Bev grades for ACIS, S3 only uses g02)
Bev will try restricting grades, eps. for BI
ALL have an outline for Mark
- outline is sent to Mark (2011-01-28)
- here is a link to an attachment: Outline PDF
Bev make CTI plots for XIS upper rows (1 month bins)
- 20100210--Bev has IDL script set up, pixel fits (center pixel pulseheight and trailing pixel) are working for all detectors/quads, CTI calculation is not working completely
Catherine replicate same plots for ACIS, pending Bev's results
Catherine replicate existing Bev plot (monthly plots of FWHM, summed pulseheight centroid)
- 20100210--CEG has framework set up, waiting on flaky disk
Eric add PDFs or ADS links to publications
Eric combine outlines
Eric convert action items page