I. On this page - http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/teachtech/resources.html

a.) remove '253-0115' from Ed Tech Times and Crosstalk
b.) 'The Ed Tech Times' should link to http://oeit.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/blog

II. On this page- http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/teachtech/learning.html

a.) 'Videoconferencing' should be linked to our page in VSPIT portal.
b.) 'Access gird Video conferencing' currently links to dead link on AMPS site. (ask Elaine)
c.) 'Collaborative Workspaces' should link to new ACIS pages for this. (It will probably re-direct when the pages go live)
d.)  'Macintosh Classroom/Cluster' should link to web.mit.edu/nmc
e.) 'Windows Classroom /Cluster' and 'Visualization Classroom/Cluster' should link to : http://oeit.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/resources/learning-environments/room37-312. Consider merging these into one entry.
f.) 'Audio Vidual classroom support' currently links to dead link on AV site (ask who?)
g.) all DUE OEIT links should go to oeit.mit.edu

III. On this page - http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/teachtech/multimedia.html

a.) Rename 'Multimedia' to 'Instructional Technology' or 'Media for Instructional Technology'
b.) 'Audio Visual Classroom Services'  and 'MediaLink'  go to dead link on AV site. (ask who?)
c.) 'Podcasting' goes to dead link on IS&T
d.) 'Self-service Video and multimedia production' should be removed or link to somewhere on our portal.
e.) 'Streaming media encoding' and 'Teleconferencing' should be eliminated. They'll be on the VSPIT portal.
f.)  'Videoconferencing' should be linked to our page in VSPIT portal.
g.) 'Access gird Video conferencing' currently links to dead link on AMPS site. (ask Elaine)
h.) 'Video Capture and Editing' should be eliminated. It is on the VSPIT portal.
i.) Webcasting goes to a dead link on AMPS site (ask Elaine)

IV. On this page - http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/teachtech/software.html

a.) 'Mathematical Tools at MIT' should link to http://ist.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/services/software/math/tools/overview.
b.) 'Software distribution' should link to http://ist.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/services/software/available-software
c.)  'Windows Cluster' ' should link to http://oeit.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/resources/learning-environments/room37-312. .
d.) 'Macintosh Classroom/Cluster' should link to web.mit.edu/nmc
e.) g.) all DUE OEIT links should go to oeit.mit.edu

still to do....

V. http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/teachtech/web.html
VI. http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/teachtech/support.html
VII. http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/teachtech/started.html
VIII. http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/teachtech/resources.html


for every link changed above, change it in the A-Z list as well.

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