CSS Billing Working Group – 3/19/2010, 10-11:30
Invited: Rashard Bryan, Jeff Reed, Chuck King, Cynthia Finney, Chris Gresham (missed), Mark Wiklund, Anna Pope, Rob Smyser
Proposed Agenda-- Getting to Know Each Other; Goal-Setting; Fleshing out the Problems; Imagining some Solutions; Next steps.
Proposed Goals-- a working set of issues listed and solutions suggested that we can stand behind. For early April. That we'd be prepared to adopt if they were approved and prototyped successfully.
-- a bigger picture of desirable end-states for billing environment -- features, workflow, systems, etc.
Brainstorming sheet Rob labelled as "Best Practices"
printed estimate; signature acknowledging acceptance of future charge; collect cost object at the outset
CSS Finance smooths out the JV process when given the best effort product (JV upload spreadsheet) by a TL.
the people involved in billing are efficient and friendly and effective
Time-tracking should exist and be able to feed directly into some effort-aggregator that then computes hours to bill.
The frequency and more importantly the rhythm of issuing bills -- avoid month-end, spread transactions out -- less clumping is better, how about a common schedule?
database driven is ideal, where the tool prebuilds and automates the production of upload files and other parts of the business process.