Searching in OCLC Connexion Client
- The following is an OCLC Connexion Client search procedure for finding match and or near match bib record(s) for cartographic materials in various formats. Often ISBN number cannot be found on the item, apply the following sequence to retrieve all the bib records that can possibly be found:
- 1st choice: Derived search
- 2nd choice: ISBN search if ISBN is available
- 3rd choice: Title Whole Phrase (tiw=) search
- 4th choice: Key/Numeric Search
- Criteria needed to decide whether the found bib record(s) can be used to proceed with the next cataloging step---editing, deriving new record from existing record(s), creating new record from blank work-form, processing item as added or continuation copy and etc.:
- Work-form used for the bib record (LDR, 008)
- Bib record’s creating agency, DLC, GPO, GIS, pcc or other (040, 042)
- Physical description of the item and or the accompanied material (007, 300, 500)
- Main entry and or title entry (1XX, 245)
- Publisher and publishing date (260)
- Scale statement (034, 255, 500)
- Edition statement if available (250, 500)
- Note(s) to differentiate any similar bib records (5XX)
- Literary nature of item’s content and its intended usage (245, 5XX)
- ISBN present in both item and bib record (020, 024)
- Branch library’s decision for item to be cataloged as part of a map serials, map series class together or class separately, multi-volume set or as a separate piece (LDR, 008, 050, 052, 072, 086, 090, 099, 245, 4XX/8XX)
- The following table lists the correct work-form to be used for various formats. If the literary content of the item is not about a geographic area(s), follow the search and editing guideline documentation for that particular format.
{"serverDuration": 108, "requestCorrelationId": "e8144a082ee899fb"}