- Review of purpose and goals of Brown Bag sessions
- Review of ground rules
- No Interruptions
- Everyone Gets a Turn
- Come Prepared to Share
- Introductions
- Discussion -- Planning Support Activities for Projects
What's the best way to plan support (training, documentation and help desk) for a project that will go-live? What successes and challenges have folks run into across their projects?
Best Practices from the Group
- Starting with the initial planning for the project's budget, start looking at needed support items / resources
- When doing the actual project planning, include the support organizations to ensure that expectations are set and schedules are negotiated
- During the Design and Development stages, keep support organizations appraised of additions or changes
- Develop a Support Model and Maintenance Plan
- Develop a Transition Plan
General Discussion Notes
- Whenever possible, combine meetings with the Pubs and Training teams
- Give support groups a "heads-up" as early as possible that the project will need their services, even if the need is several months away
- Standards and templates around defining support agreements and support plans would be very helpful (note, please see the Tools section for some options)
- Let your end-users know early on that a transition from the project team to the support team will happen at the end of the project
- Get the support (help desk) team involved in a more active way during UAT or before
- IF a service level agreement needs to be established to ensure system availability, make sure your end users know about it early-on
- Know how your end-users will use the system (24 hours a day, during business hours, during seasonal times, etc.)
- Have a kick-off meeting and include the support team eventhough thy may not be doing any work on the project for a while
- You can also have a brainstorming session with the support managers before the Kick-off to validate assumptions and make sure the right support team members become involved
- Secure management commitment for getting support team members involved in the project. This should include involvement throughout the project.