Interests expressed in the area of research collaboration

Asynchronous vs. synchronous communications need to be integrated

While synchronous communications may be the focus of ICP there are various forms of asynchrouns communications that need to be included in the future model for services. Examples include:

  • Blogs (Web logs)
  • Tools for peer to peer file sharing
  • Tools to annotate electrinic mail
  • Wikis
  • Tools for keeping lab notebooks
  • Tools to allow for rapid peer review of academic publications

Physical spaces for communications

Some spaces may be created or enhanced facilite communications with remote parties. The following space characteristics need to be considered:

  • ...

Connecting people

It needs to be easy to locate the people you need to communicate with - find out who is out there, who is available, and how "enabled" they are for communications.

Enhanced tools

Better tools are needed...

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