
The Moira web service is a SOAP/WSDL web service that can be used to access and modify information in Moira. More information about Moira can be found at...

The initial intended audience of this web service is the MIT Touchstone CAMS component. It is also expected that Stellar 3.0 will use this as well.

Accessing the Moira web service In order to use the Moira web service, an application must authenticate itself to the Moira web service.  Authentication is done via an application X509 certificate.  An application certificate can be obtained from  Please refer to the document "Using Application Client Certificates" for instructions on how to obtain and use application certificates.

Use cases:

Other issues requiring further discussion:

  • evloving the security model
  • devloping other use cases
  • timelines
  • sample source code for other application developers

API's / Functions:

The currently implemented read API's are:

validateUser - validates whether-or-not a specified MIT ID belongs to a specified user.
getUserLists - this is a simplified version of getUserListMembership.
getUserAdminListMembership - returns a list of Moira groups/lists for which a specified user is an administrator
getUserListMembership - returns a list of Moira groups/lists for when a specified user is a member
getListMembership - returns a list of members for a specified Moira group/list.
getListAttributes - returns the attributes of a specified Moira group/list.
getUserAttributes - returns the attributes of a specified Moira user.

The following 2 write API's are non-operational in that the Moira web service does not currently have write access to Moira.

deleteMemberFromList - delete a member from a specified Moira group/list.
addMemberToList - add a member to a specified Moira group/list.


Service URL

Service WSDL

Moira WSDL  

Admin Service WSDL

Version WSDL

Jira space regarding this project

ISDA Web Services Jira space 

Source code availability

To be filled in  

The source code can be found at:

The following tools are required to build the source code:

The code has the following dependencies:

  • Moira library code available from
  • Moira JNI interface code available from
  • AXIS version ...


Client code sample addMemberToList API

Client code sample deleteMemberFromList API


This service does require authorization and provisioning. However, there is a long term goal of introducing a newer security model for the service which will rely on authentication and all authorizations will be handled by Moira internally.


You can submit a support request to the RT queue ISDA::WS-SUPPORT via the isda-ws-support Moira list, or directly via RequestTracker.

more to come...

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