Given to us as 100 uM, then diluted to 10 uM with TE buffer
Product | Gene | Starting Plasmid | Forward Primer | Reverse Primer | Tm hi/lo (anneal) |
NcoI-mRFP-F | mRFP | pL1F_1_S6_S7 | iGEM GB 001 F | iGEM GB 002 R | 61/61 (61) |
mRFP-NsiI-R | mRFP | pL1F_1_S6_S7 | iGEM GB 003 F | iGEM GB 004 R | 61/61 (61) |
Ran PCR according to protocol on NEB Website
Quantity | Chemical |
1 uL | forward primer (10uM) |
1 uL | reverse primer (10uM) |
1 uL | template DNA (1 ng/uL) |
10 uL | Phusion High Fidelity PCR master mix |
7 uL | dH2O |
20 uL | TOTAL |
Settings for thermocycler (program: PHUSION):
Initial Denaturation | 98°C | 30 seconds |
35 Cycles | 98°C 60°C 72°C | 10 seconds 30 seconds 60 seconds |
Final Extension | 72°C | 5 minutes |
Hold | 4°C |
Ask Brian/Jeremy about changing temps/durations
Electrophoresis Gel
Prepared electrophoresis gel according to protocol
Loaded lanes as follows:
Lane 1: Hyperladder 1kb (5uL)
Lane 2: LacZ (mir-181c)
Lane 3: LacZ (mir-144)
Include lengths of dna
When loading wells with PCR products, used Parafilm to mix 1uL of 6X Orange dye with 5uL of sample and loaded 5uL of this mixture in a lane. Ran gel at 120V for 30 minutes.
(insert pictures of gel here)