Design Notes
Some quick notes for anyone trying to get RTKLIB running for themselves:
Antenna - very important. Your typical patch antenna (like the common magnet mount variety) will probably not be sufficient. We were only able to achieve a consistent fix after switching to the GPS-701-GG antenna from Novatel. At around $600, it's a good intermediate option in both price and size between patch antennas and choke rings. Ideally we'd eventually upgrade to a very nice choke ring antenna at our base.
Receiver - less important. There are differences, but as long as you can get the raw data out you should be set. Be aware of your antenna's voltage requirement though. Some receivers only provide 3.3V to the antenna, and the GPS-701-GG we use requires at least 4.2V according to the spec sheet.
Configuration - the defaults should work pretty well. Remember to fill in the base station position in the options
Some details stuff
Higher AR Ratio - In one mailing list email, Michele recommended using an AR ratio of 10 instead of the normal 3 for less 'bad' fixes.
Elevation Masks - Again in the same email, an elevation mask of 20-25 degrees might be more successful at high altitudes than the default of 10-15.