This is the home page for the Mission 2011 Group 6 space.
<< please post stuff that you want the TRs to go over in the section below >> thanks!
stuff to write up
what subsidies are; types
technology available for monitoring (what it can do)
solutions: (policies)
no subsidies: why
GPS systems: talk about how they will be effective
no flag hopping: only way to get fish is if you import/export
allow high tariffs
fish tax
market techniques
Meeting on Thursday!
Q and A Session
*How do we consider the role of UN delegates from different countries working together in the UNEP, for example. How do they ensure that their interests do not conflict and it wouldn't just become another ineffective bureaucracy?
*What about big countries that have a tendency to break rules (e.g. USA?)
*What are we going to deal with countries like Japan that consume a lot of a fish and it isn't very viable to just limit fish consumption because the culture is too reliant on fish?