- accreting mass of people in the center of the square.
- 'parasitic' gemini. One person starts out gemini with someone in the square, and they change who they're attached to whenever it's convenient.
- 4 or 5 calls each replaced by an arbitrary OTHER sound effect - bell, horn,
- Do something (silly - sound effect, pirouette, ...) at the end of each call.
- Walking backwards.
Gender swap. on [cue].
- Push-me-pull-you - 2 dancers joined back-to-back.
changing 'forward' on [cue]
- 'Improv' Tandem - front dancer no hands, rear dancer's hands used instead.
- (W/blindfold??)
- 4 calls at a time. ("relay the deucy, men run, right and left through, ladies chain" then Ted relaxes for a while.)
- ... or called in reversed order.
Passing [object] through the air, square to square.
- Change squares on a given call.
- Color. Swap squares to Not the same color square...
- No Hands
- Phantoms
- Physical phantoms:
- Brooms
- IV Stands
- Desk/Rolling chairs
- Giant Stuffed animals
- Black Hole
- Gemini
- Tandem
- Siamese
- 1 each of the above.
- Pavlov
- Blindfolded
- Walking Through Squares
- Rope down center line
- 3/4 time
- Progressive squares - Can pass through other squares
- Flippers/Shoe Boxes/Slippers
- Don't Look Down/Stuff On Head
- Ted Says
- Balloons (Though, latex allergies.)
- Moat
- Beach Balls
- Mirror
- Strobes
- Barstool
- Noses
- Hold Rope Up
- Hot Potato
- Ropes Between Partners
- Exchange The Squares
> Nothing is ever original, but hey. I'm not sure when this was last done.
> Tape a circle on the floor. Size and placement can vary. The idea is that
> you cannot step into the circle.
> So, for instance, one instantiation could be that there's a circle where
> someone would stand if the square squared-up. Or in parallel waves (one
> way, but not the other).
> The trick is that somehow you need to indicate the centre of the square,
> because otherwise it's pretty easy to shift so that you don't fall into the
> black hole.dave!
> Hi JB,
>The class spends almost 3 months with club helping them. I'd love
> to see a hack that "turns the tables"
> The best I can come up with is having every class member square up
> with a blindfolded club member. Traditionally these tips have the
> class dance without the club, so I'm not sure how people will feel
> about this. On the other hand, I think the club and class would both
> enjoy it. Especially if Ted calls easy. =)
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