Jeffrey Chan, Ryan Lacey, Amruth Venkatraman
YourTurn is composed of the following webpages:
as well as this sitewide content:
Your Turn was developed in a Windows OS for Google Chrome users. The front-end was built off HTML5 and Javascript/jQuery. The look and feel of the website was built off of Twitter Bootstrap ( PHP was used to manage the backend for managing server code (storing and fetching information stored in a SQL database hosted by MIT SQL Scripts.
Design Decisions
Toy Donation
The toy donation page uses a simple form submissions interface. Users fill out a duplicated form for each toy they want to submit. The different toys being submitted at the same time are managed by using a Bootstrap "Tabbed-pane" to persist information filled in while tabs are cycled through and hidden. A photo linking system is used to let users upload a photo to submit along with their toy. When the submit button is pressed without all of the information for a toy filled in, Bootstrap error notifications are shown to notify users what went wrong with their submission process. On pressing submit after properly filling out the form, the user is taken back to the Home page, signifying that they are "done" submitting a toy. One tradeoff this forces is that upon first use of the website when a user, who doesn't read the form, presses submit when he/she meant to add another toy, he/she must redirect back to the Give page to continue the toy process. On form submission the data is pushed to a SQL server.
Finding a Toy
Checkout System
Our briefing and user tasks required little change from GR3 as our implementation kept close to our original design. They have been rewritten and slightly revised below for reference.
Thank you for volunteering to test our website. We're working on a design for 6.813 and believe that your feedback will help us revise our design to be more intuitive and easy to use.
Our site, Your Turn, is a toy exchange website. Imagine you're middle aged man (or woman, depending) whose daughter, Susie, has an upcoming birthday. Susie has grown out of a lot of her old dolls and trading cards, so now they're wasting storage space. You decide to donate the unused toys and want to find something nice for Susie's birthday. You recognize that she has been talking about wanting to learn how to play an instrument a lot lately.
We'll provide you with a couple tasks to try to accomplish, but feel free to explore the space. We encourage you to talk aloud as you navigate the site, especially if you find something confusing or peculiar. And don't worry about trying to find "the right way" to do things. We are testing our site, not you, so any troubles you encounter reflect a flaw in our design. Your test results will be kept confidential. Feel free to stop at any time.
- List donations on website.
- Search for a nice gift for Susie's birthday.
- Check messages to see if anyone has responded to your listing.
User 1
Who am I?
- Heuristic:
- Severity:
- Problem:
- Solution
User 2
Who am I?
- Heuristic:
- Severity:
- Problem:
- Solution
User 3
Who am I?
- Heuristic:
- Severity:
- Problem:
- Solution