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Design Sketches |
Storyboard Interaction |
Analysis (Learnability, Efficiency, Safety) |
As people enter the party, they will be given a wristband
so that they can easily give feedback to the DJ about
the current song that is playing. If they like the song,
they press the plus icon. If they don't like the song,
they press the minus button. The crowd response will then be wirelessly transmitted to our backend system.
The second display (web interface) would show the
begin voting button at the start of the party. Once DJ
MackVibes has started the first song, the votes of the
crowd will begin to be counted. Once enough votes
have been submitted, DJ MackVibes will see the
user's responses over time in the form of a timeline
graph as shown in the second web interface picture. |
- Learnability
- For DJ
- The DJ simply has to get a good sense of what that chart actually means. He or she will have to figure out just how bad a dip in the chart is and how to incorporate that into his or her work to figure out how to get a better rating.
- For Listeners
- The interface for listeners is extremely simple. They simply have be told that one button gives a good rating, while the other is a negative rating.
- Listeners might be confused as to how clicking the buttons work. For example, does one click give one bad rating? Can the listener click more than once to convey a really bad time? etc.
- Efficiency
- For DJ
- As the DJ is doing his thing, he will simply have to glance over to the chart to see how the audience is feeling.
- For Listeners
- Listeners just have to simply press a button to convey their feelings towards the DJ.
- Safety
- For DJ
- For Listeners
- Listeners might accidentally push a button without realizing it or push the wrong button from which they intended.
DJ MackVibes will use our UI
which, when grouped with
his current Dj software,
automatically detects the
song he is currently playing.
Then, by an algorithm that
can choose similar songs to
the one currently playing we
will display a list of songs for
the partiers to choose.
On the Dj Screen there are the song
choices updating the vote count in real
time so the DJ knows which songs to
play. it also allows to Dj to edit and choose
which songs, they want the crowd to vote on.
The users will also be able to like or dislike a song
currently playing
- Learnability
- For DJ
- The DJ doesn't have much to learn. He or she can simply see what the crowd wants and just has to mix it in.
- For Listeners
- Listeners will have to get familiarized with the UI. This will include having to understand how the line up of songs being displayed works and how the voting process works.
- Efficiency
- For DJ
- Since the most popular/wanted songs are displayed in bigger text, the DJ can quickly see what the audience wants to listen to the most.
- For Listeners
- Unfortunately, listeners would have to stop partying, pull out their mobile device, and vote in order for this system to work.
- Safety
- For DJ
- For Listeners
- Listeners might accidentally click on a song that they didn't mean to vote for.
- Learnability
- For DJ
- The DJ simply has to understand how to read the visual representation of the crowd's excitement for a song.
- For Listeners
- Efficiency
- For DJ
- This design allows for the DJ to quickly glance at the chart to see what the listeners prefer.
- For Listeners
- Safety
- For DJ
- The DJ has to be careful for when the audience might be responding to something else. For example, the crowd may have started yelling (in excitement) because someone started to do a cool dance move, and not necessarily because of the music change.
- For Listeners