MalWare Protection Overhaul Project
Project Overview
Replace IS&T’s current antivirus software solution for the Windows and Macintosh platforms with a new solution. Evaluate and select one new product for the Windows platform (domain and standalone machines); Microsoft Forefront will be the preference for the Windows platform and will be evaluated first based upon product effectiveness, integration ease and licensing . Forefront does not currently support Mac OS X or Linux, a second product will be evaluated and selected for OS X and Linux operating systems. PCI machines are out of scope for this project and will remain on McAfee. Mobile devices are also out of scope.
Project Scope
- Team will evaluate and procure a malware protection software for the Windows platform to replace McAfee (for domain and standalone machines).
- Forefront is the 1st preference for the Windows plattorm. The project team will evaluate Forefront first. If Forefront does not meet MIT’s needs, the team will explore other products.
- Team will evaluate and procure a malware protection software for OS X users to replace current offering (McAfee Security Suite).
- PCI machines will stay with current McAfee for the time being.
Project Teams
- Core Team – Tim McGovern, Andrew Munchbach, Sophie Wong
- Sponsor – Mark Silis
- Stakeholders – DITR, Helpdesk, Customer Support, Systems Admin, Network, MIT staff, DLC IT Liaisons, MIT faculty, MIT students
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