The Chair is to the Ensemble as the Producer is to a production.
Running Meetings
It is the Chair's responsibility to give adequate notice of meeting and agenda items to all members, preferably with at least a week's notice. All meetings of the Ensemble are chaired by the Chair. This involves introducing each item of business and facilitating/moderating the discussion so as to ensure that everyone who has something to say on the matter is heard and that the meeting doesn't become unruly. It will fall to the Chair to make procedural or substantive recommendations to the Ensemble from time to time in order to facilitate a smooth flow of business.
The rest of the year, the Chair's job is to work together with the Producer and make sure that everyone else is doing their jobs. When this is happening, the Chair's job is relaxed and not very time-consuming, but when people start to neglect their responsibilities the job of Chair becomes very time-intensive and stressful. Sometimes, under extreme circumstances, Chairs have been known to actually DO the jobs of people who have neglected theirs.