Substrate Type
(100) n-Si 5e14, 50keV
Shots: 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e
All 5 were shot using Harvard YAG, 2.5x2.5 mm each. Spot 2a and 2c look good, but 2b was on a dirty spot with bad TRR. Spot 2d and 2e look good.
Sample 2a
6/4/2012 UV-VIS reflection measurement on crystalline and amorphous spot
20120604 UV-VIS reflection Au 2a.Sample.Raw.csv
20120604 UV-VIS reflection Au 2a amorphous.Sample.Raw.csv
6/5/2012 UV-VIS transmission measurement on crystalline and amorphous spot
20120605 UV-VIS transmission Au 2a.Sample.Raw.csv
20120605 UV-VIS transmission Au 2a amorphous.Sample.Raw.csv