Group Members:
Miguel Flores
Noel O. Morales
Ruby Tamberino
TA: Ted Benson
Problem Statement
For college students, the process of choosing which courses to take at the start of each term can be daunting because it rests on so many deciding factors, some long-term and others more immediate. Namely, the student must construct a semester schedule in which the lecture and recitation times of no two classes conflict, would ideally like to take classes with friends and former collaborators, will likely take into account how a given course has been reviewed/rated by those who have already taken it, and still needs to consider how his or her course selection this term contributes to long-term degree requirements and will affect the courseload of future semesters. This task poses an interesting UI problem because not only is there a great deal of information to present to the user, but there needs to be two different variants of a clean and complete scheduling interface: one to represent the students’ day-to-day class schedule for the current semester, and a second to plot out a trajectory of classes taken in the past and to be taken in the future in order to fulfill the student’s degree requisites.
GR1 Analysis
GR2 Analysis
GR3 Analysis
GR4 Analysis
GR5 Analysis
To be added.
QuickPick GR6 Analysis
To be added.