User Testing
After deciding on the webcam-based design, we had to choose which platform we were going to use for our implementation. We all preferred a web app in terms of creating a user interface, but capturing webcam output from a web app proved challenging. We hoped to be able to use the HTML5 getUserMedia API to capture webcam output. However, this is a very new technology -- only in the latest version of Chrome, and only if you enable experimental features. We eventually realized that chrome's implementation didn't have all of the features we needed yet: most importantly the ability to save video, but also the ability to differentiate between webcams plugged in to a laptop to access a front-facing webcam pointing at a lecturer. In the end, we were not able to use getUserMedia to implement live webcam capture for SETENTS, and had to resort to using a pre-recorded video and pretending that the playing video corresponded to a camera live view. This is the implementation limitation that has the single largest impact on the usability of our project, since it can be somewhat confusing having to pretend that a pre-recorded video corresponds to what you're seeing during a user test. And of course, it means that the killer feature of our app is not useful in the real world.
We used a Python flask backend with a sqlite server to power SETENTS. The way we structured our database allowed for notes having the same title, but did not allow folders to share a title: internal consistency suffers some as a result.